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What is the best way to quit your job? Any advice?

The not so tall man

Well-Known Member
Local time
3:01 AM
Jun 7, 2014
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Got a job that just generally makes me sad and depressed. I polish medical stainless. It's a factory type job, put a part in a machine, hit a button, let it do its thing, inspect for flaws, do it again.

I work with two people and the one guy hasn't spoken to me since an argument a year ago other than to berate me.

FWIW the argument was that he treated me like **** my first two years, that day I stood up for myself and he wound up looking like a spineless fool.
(I did nothing earlier because I was hired specifically for being able to tolerate abuse. I was told I would be working with someone who was difficult)
The other guy spends all day trying to convince me the Earth is flat, gravity doesn't exist, neither does space etc.

I might possibly be able to trudge through if it wasn't for the first guy. But the combo of crazy and repetition is just too much.

I want to quit, spend a month or 2 on my cars before looking into another job. I have had multiple people willing to refer me to get a job with them. All people who have worked with me before and would like to work with me again.

When I quit. Do I tell them why? If they ask if I've been hired elsewhere do I tell them no, I just want a break before moving on?

Do I just tell them the type of work isn't for me?

Whats the smoothest way out to keep the most people happy. Personally I'd love it if I would do my last two weeks on the down low, and just say goodbye to a few people my last day, but its the type of place I think everyone will find out right away and I'll get hassled from a couple people.
A two week notice always worked well for me. The least you say, especially anything negative, will usually be the best. I never had a job I hated, leave before it gets to that point.
You give your employer notice, usually 2 weeks is ample. Tell them why, well that's up to you, but I'd always appreciated input from my employees as they were leaving, both good and bad - that enables me to build up on the good aspects, and judge whether any changes or course of action may be required to correct others. Any other information outside of their business is... none of their business.
It's not jail. You can leave when you want.
Write a polite resignation letter, act decent and work hard during the notice period. Don't burn your bridges.
Get a new job.
Notice may be required if it's a contract job. For at-will employment, that is you can quit or be fired at any time, 2 week notice is a nice courtesy, but it can lead to an awkward 2 weeks as word gets around that you're leaving. You can provide as much or as little detail as you want as to why you're quitting. Generally best to keep it simple and avoid burning bridges. Depending on the company, HR may do an exit interview to find out why you are leaving, but you are under no obligation to provide details.

If they like you, they may try to get you to stay, usually by offering more $. Think long and hard before accepting a counter offer. If you're unhappy with the job and co-workers, more money won't fix that.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
2 weeks written notice, you may need a reference some day. Personally I would have something lined up to go to before giving notice. They know they have difficult people so I wouldn't mention the guy, you might start complaining about him so better to maintain your dignity. If they didn't know what they had I would mention it though.
Life is too short to not be happy for 8 hours every day. I wouldn't have put up with his nonsense to start with though.
It's not jail. You can leave when you want.
Write a polite resignation letter, act decent and work hard during the notice period. Don't burn your bridges.
Get a new job.
You are polite.
I worked construction where your employment status could change by the hour. A boss with a grudge could cut someone loose immediately if he felt like it.
One job I had was intended by me to be temporary until my regular employer was starting up again. I was on this job for a week and a half. The foreman was a dick, as are many construction bosses. On a Tuesday, I got a call from a boss from the old job...they could bring me back Thursday.
At lunch, I told the dick boss that I was quitting that day.
You mean you're quitting, just like that?
I gave it back to him...."Well, when you want to get rid of a guy, you fire him just like that..."
He had this great look on his face....it was classic That ****** has a point!
I've never regretted any job that I quit, never regretted any job that laid me off or fired me either.
ALWAYS have a job to move to before you quit, unless there is an extreme circumstance. Not only is it a huge benefit in negotiations, it looks better on resumes and you will feel better about your standing in life overall.

As far as telling them why? I would. But I would tell them I will tell you my reasons on the last day of your notice. Ask them to set up an exit interview meeting like the last hour of your last day.
I wouldn't tell them about another job, that's your business. Giving them feedback about an abrasive dick on the production floor is their business though, so you should not feel guilt or pause for telling them about their business. Just keep it professional.
EDIT: oh and don't make up stories about another job. If they ask you can tell them you have another job lined up but leave it at that. If they ask where or what just tell them you would rather not say.
Unless it is an absolute ludicrous offer, never take an offer of more money to stay. If you are to the point you want to leave, just do it. Only you know what a ludicrous offer looks like, but as a rule of thumb it should be life changing for your monthly budget.
As others have said I’d get a new job lined up first. Then just give two weeks notice as a courtesy. Don’t really need to give any details.
If you want a month off between the two just set that up.
Reminds me of this song “Take this job and shove it I ain't working here no more.”

Great song. My reason for commenting is, I noticed you’re from Mountain Home. Is that Arkansas? I used to have 8 acres in the hills, near there, used to fish for trout on the river near there. I loved it! If I wouldn’t have had to move my business, I would have moved there. I know it’s probably changed a lot since I was last there in 99. I sold it in 2000 and never went back. I do think about the fun times we used to have. Take care!
Great song. My reason for commenting is, I noticed you’re from Mountain Home. Is that Arkansas? I used to have 8 acres in the hills, near there, used to fish for trout on the river near there. I loved it! If I wouldn’t have had to move my business, I would have moved there. I know it’s probably changed a lot since I was last there in 99. I sold it in 2000 and never went back. I do think about the fun times we used to have. Take care!
Mountain Home, Idaho
I would have a job lined up. Remember, you don't need to start right away. Request start date out a month. Say to give as much notice as possible. And to finalize other business. New job doesn't need to know car work is what you are referring. If you are not in need of your current job reference? Only a couple day notice. Be honest and explain it's due to work climate. If you have been there awhile. And require the employment reference for future applications? I would give 2 weeks notice. With a more genetic answer of seeking other opportunities.

Thats is my recommendation.
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I have had a multitude of jobs with other people over the years...that's how sparkies gain experience in difference aspects of the trade. Staying in one place too long makes you stagnate IMHO.

I have quit in rather spectacular fashion a couple of times....both times after having had a gutsful of some useless lazy prick on the 'Team'.

Last one was about 4 years ago....just before I decided to go it alone for myself again. We had this fat f**k who did absolutely nothing except drink coffee with the boss, and abuse his company credit card....he even got paid the same as us. Spent half his days doing personal stuff, and when we talked to the boss about it....he was not interested. So when the boss was away in the UK visiting family....fat f**k was placed in charge. It only took two days for him to really piss me off and push me over the edge. He sent out a shitty text message to everyone, and it really got up me nose. I left the job I was working on, came back to the shop, and grabbed my tools, and told him to shove the job up his fat hairy ar*eh*le. I actually said quite a bit more than that.....**** really hit the fan.

Boss's wife called me the next day to see what she could do about it....I said forget it....I'm done there. The boys all thought that was hilarious.

Now what transpired over the next few months proved I made the right move. Three others left in short succession after me.....and one of them works part-time with me when required. Both of us are doing great now. The apprentice left and is now a successful car salesman. The other guy 'Wanga'.....he now spends his time between the Casino, and the Pub....he has family money.
Back yourself. There are thousands of jobs out there. If you don't like a job, quit and find another. Don't be too proud to do a in-between job if necessary. If you are totally over this job and work with nutters, then move on. Yes I agree with the above comments, be polite, quietly hand in your notice and tell them you are moving on to pursue other opportunities. Good luck.
I have had a multitude of jobs with other people over the years...that's how sparkies gain experience in difference aspects of the trade. Staying in one place too long makes you stagnate IMHO.

I have quit in rather spectacular fashion a couple of times....both times after having had a gutsful of some useless lazy prick on the 'Team'.

Last one was about 4 years ago....just before I decided to go it alone for myself again. We had this fat f**k who did absolutely nothing except drink coffee wioth the boss, and abuse his company credit card....he even got paid the same as us. Spent half his days doing personal stuff, and when we talked to the boss about it....he was not interested. So when the boss was away in the UK visiting family....fat f**k was placed in charge. IT only took two days for hom to really piss me off and push me over the edge. He sent out a shitty text message to everyone, and it really got up me nose. I left the job I was working on, came back to the shop, and grabbed my tools, and told him to shove the job up his fat hairy ar*eh*le. I actually said quite a bit more than that.....**** really hit the fan.

Boss's wife called me the next day to see what she could do about it....I said forget it....I'm done there. The boys all thought that was hilarious.

Now what transpired over the next few months proved I made the right move. Three others left in short succession after me.....and one of them works part-time with me when required. Both of us are doing great now. The apprentice left and is now a successful car salesman. The other guy 'Wanga'.....he now spends his time between the Casino, and the Pub....he has family money.
Good choice, life’s too short to take any crap these days.
I have had a multitude of jobs with other people over the years...that's how sparkies gain experience in difference aspects of the trade. Staying in one place too long makes you stagnate IMHO.

I have quit in rather spectacular fashion a couple of times....both times after having had a gutsful of some useless lazy prick on the 'Team'.

Last one was about 4 years ago....just before I decided to go it alone for myself again. We had this fat f**k who did absolutely nothing except drink coffee wioth the boss, and abuse his company credit card....he even got paid the same as us. Spent half his days doing personal stuff, and when we talked to the boss about it....he was not interested. So when the boss was away in the UK visiting family....fat f**k was placed in charge. IT only took two days for hom to really piss me off and push me over the edge. He sent out a shitty text message to everyone, and it really got up me nose. I left the job I was working on, came back to the shop, and grabbed my tools, and told him to shove the job up his fat hairy ar*eh*le. I actually said quite a bit more than that.....**** really hit the fan.

Boss's wife called me the next day to see what she could do about it....I said forget it....I'm done there. The boys all thought that was hilarious.

Now what transpired over the next few months proved I made the right move. Three others left in short succession after me.....and one of them works part-time with me when required. Both of us are doing great now. The apprentice left and is now a successful car salesman. The other guy 'Wanga'.....he now spends his time between the Casino, and the Pub....he has family money.
I only worked a couple jobs before I did my thing. The first one was with this guy who had a few guys, two of them brothers, we did siding and gutters. I had done a lot of both with my dad, he did a lot of side work and this guy rolled out our gutters. After I started it was good for a bit. I started noticing he would get upset at guys, especially his brothers over stupid stuff. I was working with this guy who had been with him a few years. I was cut man, he was hanging. This was after a couple months with him. He pulls up, talks a bit, walks over to where Jeff was installing and starts chewing him a new butt over a couple joints. Then comes over to me and chews me a new one. I didn’t take crap when I was a young un (don’t now either, I guess). I was 18, I exploded and asked him who the F he thought he was! Obviously he was never talked to like that, especially by a kid. He stopped, and I told him stick your job. He said good, who needs you and left. Jeff says, nobody has ever talked to Rodger like that. I said well, I ain’t nobody and I don’t take that from anybody. He said F him, I quit too. 2 days later Rodger called me, apologized and asked me if I would come back to work, I said no. Jeff had called me and said his brothers quit too. I’ve always treated my guys with respect and as a team. Had a few bad ones, didn’t take long to weed them out. I also never begrudged anyone who wanted to move on or even start their own thing. Respect is a two way street, if you’re not shown it, that’s no way to live. Be respectful leaving, and move on sir.
Line up a new job and move on. You've put up with it this long, now put that energy you use everyday to stay, into finding your next job.
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