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More Colorado wackos


I'm just a guy with a screwdriver.
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
7:30 PM
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Western Colorado High Desert
We have way more than our fair share of messed up people here in Colorado. They just arrested a CMU student after he disclosed to his shrink his plans to go to a grade school and shoot up abunch of kids and then wanted to kill Obama. He tried to steel a shootgun. He also tried to buy some ammo at Walmart but was denied by the saleman. Learned to shoot on a local range.
Then they just arrested another local highschool kid after he stated that he want to grow up to be a rapist and be a murderer on the side. He also told some female classmates that he was going to rape them.
These seem to be the normal weekly stories around here anymore. What the hell is with ours kids now days??? I'm soooooo blessed to have 4 awesome kids. Have grown up to be very loving and caring people. This **** just hits hard with me. My daughter knew the 2 boys that shot up Columbine and would have been there that black day if we hadn't moved to GJ a couple years earlier. Her friends are still dealing with what they saw that day.
Their parents don't give a damn and let them do anything they want, watch and read anything they want. Can you say Columbine? Kids don't need access to everything while still in their formative years, IMO. My son moved out when he was 19. He still didn't have a cell phone or a computer or access to mine. Kids should be learning how to be productive members of society first.
I did say Columbine. I agree that alot of the blame falls on the parents, and the Commies. After Columbine, they found abunch of wepons and bombs in those boy's bedrooms. Parents said that they had no clue and in there lies the problem.
Couple days ago they arrested another kid over in Denver that thought it would be funny to wear the scary Jokers mask in a movie theater. Several people totally freaked out and bolted. Can't say that I blame them.
I agree with rustyratrod it takes a set of good parents to raise decent kids now a days. And most parents are just worried about getting the kids to the point where they can feed themselves and use the bathroom, then they no longer try to be a parent.
X2 & 3 ..... They are exposed to violent media, TV, games, music and movies from the time they open their eyes. They are no longer taught morals in school, no longer taught the virtues of being a productive citizen and not exposed to religion in many cases. Often they do not even have a parent - let alone two, that spends the time to raise them properly ( this is what happens when the "Village" raises them). It has become a plague on our society and will only get worse the way we are going.
You can only teach your children right from wrong, you can't "make" them do right. All the ***-whoopin in the world won't work, sometimes I think fear might. Worked for my father. :) I'm glad/lucky mine turned out to be upstanding productive citizens.
just yesterday a 10 year old little girl breaks into her dads locked bedroom after he told her he smokes weed. he goes to work and she steals a few buds and takes them to school and starts showing everyone. then the police arrest her at school. nothing suprises me around here any more
Now, now...everyone gets a participation trophy. Nevermind that won't prepare you for the harsh realities of life. Enjoy your trophy! EVERYONE is a winner!

This country has reached terminal velocity and is headin right for a big steamy pile of poo. The evidence is all around us....just open your eyes and you will see.
You can only teach your children right from wrong, you can't "make" them do right. All the ***-whoopin in the world won't work, sometimes I think fear might. Worked for my father. :) I'm glad/lucky mine turned out to be upstanding productive citizens.

I grew up back in the day when a good *** whoopin was the norm. Many teachers had a big o woodin padel in their desk. Mom used my dads belt on me til I was too big. Child crime rate was a fraction of what it is today. Today alot of parents are afraid to discipline their kids in fear of Child Services coming and taking their kids way from them. Others could care less what their kids do.

- - - Updated - - -

just yesterday a 10 year old little girl breaks into her dads locked bedroom after he told her he smokes weed. he goes to work and she steals a few buds and takes them to school and starts showing everyone. then the police arrest her at school. nothing suprises me around here any more

I did this, kinda. Was the 3rd grade. Was my brothers bedroom. Was strip poker cards with girly pictures. Was passing them out to all the boys when one of the girls got one and showed my teacher. Cops were not called and I was not arrested. We, all the boys, did have a little meeting out in the hall with the teacher. All my friends ratted my out in a flash.
I did this, kinda. Was the 3rd grade. Was my brothers bedroom. Was strip poker cards with girly pictures. Was passing them out to all the boys when one of the girls got one and showed my teacher. Cops were not called and I was not arrested. We, all the boys, did have a little meeting out in the hall with the teacher. All my friends ratted my out in a flash.

ive lived here since 1976, and it seems every day i hear crazy wild stories about colorado wackos LOL . i guess im just as wacked for staying here so long , but it sure is beautiful here on the front range. i dont think there is any escaping it no matter where you go these days.
Now, now...everyone gets a participation trophy. Nevermind that won't prepare you for the harsh realities of life. Enjoy your trophy! EVERYONE is a winner!

This country has reached terminal velocity and is headin right for a big steamy pile of poo. The evidence is all around us....just open your eyes and you will see.

Well I didn't want a trophy. Just stating my mind while I still have that right , and my mind, lol. Yes we are headed into alot of poo. My eyes have been open since the days of Reagan.
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Their parents don't give a damn and let them do anything they want, watch and read anything they want. Can you say Columbine? Kids don't need access to everything while still in their formative years, IMO. My son moved out when he was 19. He still didn't have a cell phone or a computer or access to mine. Kids should be learning how to be productive members of society first.

So true!
Did you know that 73% of all black children are born "out of wedlock" OR another term, to a single mother?
This is another form of "WMD"
Destroy our Country and morales from within.
REMEMBER: It's OK for 12 yr old girls in America to get an abortion w/out parent (s) knowledge BUT...your kid gets kicked out of public school for having a facmilie of the America Flag on his/her shirt!
It's OK for your young daughter in the 7th grade to be taught how to use condems by placing them on Banannas in public school but NO to the Nativity scene in your front yard during Christmas.
Remember: Ban the Lords Prayer in public schools but the "other faith" can read the Koran and pray during school hours.
The attack is real. It has been going on. Wake up America. I fear it is too late.
It has happened, the insidious decay/decline of the foundation on which this Country was built on.
This is a long post

As others have said already it starts with the parents/parent in some cases, some are single mothers some are single fathers like I was, Lisa died of Liver & Kidney failure after she had her 4th child Jessica, I raised them by myself mostly, I had some help from my older sister Lori, when they were under 10 y/o, she was great at homeschooling her child, one of my Nephews Derek, mine were added to the frey for a few years, as the oldest James got a little older more responsible, he helped me tremendously with the twins Rachel & Rebecca, & their little sister Jessica, yep 4 kids in less than 6 years, I also had my Niece Sabrina & my Nephew Keith both my sister Candy's children living with me most of their younger life, I had a very nice & very large home, they were with me because of the Air Force assignments she & her husband both had all over the world, I had them probably 2/3rds of the time... My parents were great to the children, better than they ever were with me or my brothers & sisters, that for damn sure, they were young when I was born, they got divorced very shortly afterwords, both remarried, but still stay civil with each other & I'm still normal, well mostly anyway, there are allot of single parents that work there asses off for their kids, like others have said many are lousy POS parents too, then there are some that just shouldn't even have children & should be sterilized IMHO... The children are your responsibility, from conception to adulthood & many times even after that, I can attest to that fact... To make my very long point... It takes allot of effort to raise a child right, with good morals & values, not just keep squirting them out because your to "stupid" to know any better, or to expand your monthly Govt. check, or you want to be with every Tom, Dick & Harry in the hood, like so many seem to do, just look at any large city... To me, it's all about the morals you try to instill in them, they can't be forced, but can be lead down the proper path, some will be POS loser adults, some will be great adults... Then there's the schools & what morals {or lack there of} &/or Ideology they are teaching these/our children now is deplorable/horrible.... I never had to hit any of my children, I grew up with parent that hit/spanked all us children, it would be child abuse now probably, I did give a few smacks on the butt a few times, they were mostly all in fear of what I would/could do, really more than if I would actually do it... I would like to think it's respect & maybe a little fear, mostly of getting one of their perks taken away or stood in the corner for a 1/2 an hour... The mentality of a big bulk of the new Liberal nation, mostly all the Pepsi Generation or the ME generation, that are having children now, only worried about themselves... Remember JFK a Dem. by the way, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country", it's now shifted to "Ask what your Country can give you, not what you can do to improve your self or help others" especially those dwelling in the larger inner-cities, living on top of each other like rats, rampant with drugs, crime, perverts, with lack of parental guidance, kids running amuck or parents that had the grandparents raising the children, after just dumping them off, lack of any morals etc., Then there's the lazy teachers & their Liberal Ideology, shoving Govt. hand out mentality, down the youths throats, just paycheck collectors & overpaid baby sitters, running to their cars at last bell, shoving/cramming the Liberals Ideology in the youths brains, day after day, sort of brain washing them, because they don't know any different, instead of actually teaching them independence & self worth, that if you work hard you will get ahead, instead the Liberals Ideology the Govt. should take care of you in every aspect of your/their lives, an erosion of society & now our youth.... IMHO & it's going to get much worse, long before it will gets better, losers don't deserve trophy's, the winners do, bad students should fail & have to repeat a grade, good students should go on, they are just being lead thru like cattle now, or SHEEPLE, the moral fiber of the youth has been seriously corrupted, they have to have a damn cell phone, they have to have an Internet account, they are on Facebook, Myspace Twitter etc., they have to have some $150+ latest tennis shoes, they're not doing anything to earn them perks, it's just given to them... They need to get off their collective asses & go outside & play, step away from the computer or video game, get healty lose some fat off their collective asses.... IMHO I think we have a couple of generations, that have had this Liberal or Hippies mentality ****, shoved down their throats now, especially in all the large inner-cities public schools K-college.... Sorry for the long post, but I'm passionate about the way our countries children/youth, have been forced to drink the wrong Kool-Aid so to speak.... Written by "A proud father" College grad of University of Oregon & of 4 children that are college grads & 2 other college grads {Niece & Nephew} that I helped to raise, it can even be done even in a single parent home, they all have great moral fiber, none are on the Govt. teet, all have great jobs & most have not started families yet, I'm not use to the grampa aspect just yet either, I'm sure I will corrupt the grand children in some way, lets just hope none of the kids want to move back in with me either...LOL.. I have my hands full taking care of my elderly Pops now....
All sorts of nut cases these days. And just looks it going just keep getting worse.
The whole world is going to ****.

I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TV's while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad - worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.' Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot - I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, 'I'm a HUMAN BEING, God damn it! My life has VALUE!' So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, 'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!' I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell - 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!... You've got to say, 'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: "I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"

-Network (1976)

Almost 40 year old quote that still stands true today.. except maybe the part about the Russians lol
I guess there is a lot of things causing this world to fall apart, as far as kids and parents though, One thing that bothers me more then anything is when i see kids well old enough to know better but see them in there parents face yelling, even sometimes swearing at one of there parents, usually the mom. Its not the kids id like to wack in the head as it is the parent allowing it!

A Black single Mother here in the Tampa area told a Judge in court the State was not doing enough to help her family..She has 16 Kids NO Daddys, NO Job, Food Stamps, living in FREE housing, FREE this and FREE that and she is Pregnant AGAIN.. And She said the State is not doing enough ..WTF...I agree the State is not doing enough ..The state needs to Sterilize her NOW..And you thought Octo-Mom had a big birth canal.????.
So true!Did you know that 73% of all black children are born "out of wedlock" OR another term, to a single mother?This is another form of "WMD"Destroy our Country and morales from within.REMEMBER: It's OK for 12 yr old girls in America to get an abortion w/out parent (s) knowledge BUT...your kid gets kicked out of public school for having a facmilie of the America Flag on his/her shirt!It's OK for your young daughter in the 7th grade to be taught how to use condems by placing them on Banannas in public school but NO to the Nativity scene in your front yard during Christmas.Remember: Ban the Lords Prayer in public schools but the "other faith" can read the Koran and pray during school hours.The attack is real. It has been going on. Wake up America. I fear it is too late.It has happened, the insidious decay/decline of the foundation on which this Country was built on.
ya gotta have a license to drive, fish, hunt, vote,go to the public library, fly,buy scuba gear....but any lowlife degenerate puss pimple on the *** of society can have kids without needing approval from anybody....and thats where these F***ed up kids are spawning from!

I think everyone should have to watch Mike Judge's movie Idiocracy. The basic concept is two intelligent, capable, model people get married, but put off having kids until they can afford them, which means after college, after getting a good job, after getting established in a career and in a position where they can effectively raise their kids. Meanwhile, redneck morons are popping out kid after kid starting at the age of 14 and those kids breed with other morons and keep repeating the cycle. By the time the smart couple has the one or two kids they can raise properly, the morons are already grandparents. Eventually the entire gene pool becomes saturated with morons because there's a couple dozen of them bred for every smart kid and the country de-evolves into a land of total idiots.

Great movie!
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