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The IGNORE feature.

Kern Dog

Life is full of turns. Build your car to handle.
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
10:17 PM
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Granite Bay CA
First off, I'd like to state that this is not a complaint thread. I don't want to bash anyone. I'd also ask that if you respond, please consider doing the same.

I have a few members on IGNORE. I won't state who they are but the ones on the list are there for a variety of reasons.
I'm not as high strung as I used to be but I still do get riled up. I find that proactive measures like the IGNORE feature can keep me from taking things too far.
It can be easy to let other members get you angry. It can be hard to see something that is so different from what you think and just let it go unanswered.
The way society has changed the past 15 years or so, we are more divided than ever. Some of us have really dug our heels in with our opinions.
It can be hard to hash out our differences when we are so far apart.

There are some members that I see engaging with others with completely opposite opinions and they often really mix it up. It took me years to understand that in most cases, arguing is pointless because the other guy is either as stubborn as I am or not willing to see the facts as they appear to me.
Some people don't use the Ignore function because they say that they don't like the idea of censoring others. While this is a noble thing, I have another take on that.
If you don't like broccoli or spinach, you just don't eat it. If a TV show is on that you don't like, you turn the channel. When a newspaper prints stuff you don't believe, you choose not to read it. That wasn't censorship, that was just avoiding what you didn't like. Those things still exist, you just don't have to experience any of it.
The IGNORE feature is like that. The people that you disagree with still are free to post whatever they want, you just don't have to see it.

In some cases, some people that I disagree with sometimes post something that makes enough sense to reconsider my position.
In other cases, the other guy seems way too far gone to give any of my time.

My point here is that using this feature may provide some relief for the members when we encounter someone that intentionally annoys us.
You'll likely never get through to that person. They may only serve to be a thorn in your side.
You might end up having a much better experience on the forum by letting them do their thing without engaging with them.
First off, I'd like to state that this is not a complaint thread. I don't want to bash anyone. I'd also ask that if you respond, please consider doing the same.

I have a few members on IGNORE. I won't state who they are but the ones on the list are there for a variety of reasons.
I'm not as high strung as I used to be but I still do get riled up. I find that proactive measures like the IGNORE feature can keep me from taking things too far.
It can be easy to let other members get you angry. It can be hard to see something that is so different from what you think and just let it go unanswered.
The way society has changed the past 15 years or so, we are more divided than ever. Some of us have really dug our heels in with our opinions.
It can be hard to hash out our differences when we are so far apart.

There are some members that I see engaging with others with completely opposite opinions and they often really mix it up. It took me years to understand that in most cases, arguing is pointless because the other guy is either as stubborn as I am or not willing to see the facts as they appear to me.
Some people don't use the Ignore function because they say that they don't like the idea of censoring others. While this is a noble thing, I have another take on that.
If you don't like broccoli or spinach, you just don't eat it. If a TV show is on that you don't like, you turn the channel. When a newspaper prints stuff you don't believe, you choose not to read it. That wasn't censorship, that was just avoiding what you didn't like. Those things still exist, you just don't have to experience any of it.
The IGNORE feature is like that. The people that you disagree with still are free to post whatever they want, you just don't have to see it.

In some cases, some people that I disagree with sometimes post something that makes enough sense to reconsider my position.
In other cases, the other guy seems way too far gone to give any of my time.

My point here is that using this feature may provide some relief for the members when we encounter someone that intentionally annoys us.
You'll likely never get through to that person. They may only serve to be a thorn in your side.
You might end up having a much better experience on the forum by letting them do their thing without engaging with them.
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Member FDIC.
Your mileage may vary.
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If you drink, don't drive - do the watermelon crawl.
never used it until recently....... in my old age, blatant stupidity has become intolerable

fortunately, my list is small
There is a member that I feel constantly throws insults at people and is mostly negative. I honestly cannot remember a helpful post from this individual. Having said that, I still don't have this person on ignore. I find the best way to control my anger/ reaction is within me. I am still a work in progress, but trying...

Some of us have really dug our heels in with our opinions.
It can be hard to hash out our differences when we are so far apart.

I typically have stronger opinions the more information I have (from what I consider multiple, reliable sources). So generally the more information I have the harder it is to get me to change my opinion.

Having said that, I'm the one who loses if I choose never to budge - I lose the opportunity to truly learn something. Some people are so locked into being right/ not looking dumb, etc. that they refuse to acknowledge a good point. Especially as I get older, I try to truly listen and understand a counter point to mine; I try to take that attitude here at FBBO. I am fine with debating someone, but will not go to name calling, and try to keep it civil. Sometimes I learn something, sometimes I might teach something.
I get it and agree with @HawkRod. I'm sweeping my way towards the door. I've deleted my garage and know that what's on the internet, stays on the internet. Things I've said will eventually fall off into the abyss and the odds of someone googling something and one of my comments coming up are remote at best. People come and go, that's just how life works. When I have to use the ignore button, it's time to go.
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There is a member that I feel constantly throws insults at people and is mostly negative. I honestly cannot remember a helpful post from this individual. Having said that, I still don't have this person on ignore. I find the best way to control my anger/ reaction is within me. I am still a work in progress, but trying...

I typically have stronger opinions the more information I have (from what I consider multiple, reliable sources). So generally the more information I have the harder it is to get me to change my opinion.

Having said that, I'm the one who loses if I choose never to budge - I lose the opportunity to truly learn something. Some people are so locked into being right/ not looking dumb, etc. that they refuse to acknowledge a good point. Especially as I get older, I try to truly listen and understand a counter point to mine; I try to take that attitude here at FBBO. I am fine with debating someone, but will not go to name calling, and try to keep it civil. Sometimes I learn something, sometimes I might teach something.
"You're a better man than I, Gunga Din". :)
I find myself saying this more and more these days....

Y'know, Pop used to tell me I'd eventually mellow with age and become more tolerant and such...
Turns out, he was wrong - and I hit the "I ain't got time for that nonsense" button quicker than ever
in this life.
Also turns out, that's helped with stress and such - for me, anyways.
Suffice to say, the "iggy" button is used by myself fairly frequently as a result - but I VERY seldom see that little bitty
message in threads that says something about "some messages hidden...." like you get when an ignored member
has posted.
I don't think that's a coincidence. :luvplace:
I just try to remember who not to offer help to anymore.. but the list is getting long and my memory short so it may be time to use the ignore function.
I have always had a hot temper.
Staying away from something that tempts you to stray out of bounds makes the most sense for me.
Think of it as you would if you were an alcoholic or overweight....You remove yourself from the temptation to engage in behavior that will probably have NO positive outcome.
I'm not talking about ignoring everyone that one disagrees with.
I love to learn and grow. You can do that by keeping your eyes and ears open to those with different perspectives.
I'm referring to ignoring the ones that are just unpleasant and unreasonable. Dealing with them, there is no upside. They aren't going to change. Your sound advice won't make a dent.
When I have to use the ignore button, it's time to go.

let's say you're at a public event with several friends, having a great time.......... and 2 idiots show up, you and your friends see them for what they are; or at least share the same opinion....... please don't let that be a reason to leave
I personally am Delighted to have this feature on this site. Some "beings" are better kept at a distance, and have also transitioned this Feature, to Real Life Encounters, with What Society Presents these days.................
let's say you're at a public event with several friends, having a great time.......... and 2 idiots show up, you and your friends see them for what they are; or at least share the same opinion....... please don't let that be a reason to leave
This is in line with the point that I am trying to make here.
Closing the door to the members that provide you with NO learning experience and NO good vibes is the equivalent of avoiding other things in life that have no upside.
It doesn't have to be viewed as intolerance, just a matter of avoiding the negatives so the positives can really shine.
I don't use the "ignore" function... I simply ignore them. For the most part, but I'd attempted reasonable discourse with "the Few" to no avail, as it just gets festered with TDS and evolves into a pissing match. It becomes just another thread with hypocrisy, ignorance, personal slurs, and regurgitated msnbc propaganda.
I just try to remember who not to offer help to anymore.. but the list is getting long and my memory short so it may be time to use the ignore function.
For the most part , I find that the people asking for help are not the bad actors here. I have come across ( several times)
….the guy who is supposedly trying to help, is a wise *** , condescending, etc. sometimes this sparks an argument, sometimes the asker of the help is a bigger person and turns it around on the A hole to make him feel bad for his comment(s). ….and good for that latter guy is all I can say.
I just try to remember who not to offer help to anymore.. but the list is getting long and my memory short so it may be time to use the ignore function.
It DO help with the fur-gettin' parts..... :)
This is in line with the point that I am trying to make here.
Closing the door to the members that provide you with NO learning experience and NO good vibes is the equivalent of avoiding other things in life that have no upside.
It doesn't have to be viewed as intolerance, just a matter of avoiding the negatives so the positives can really shine.
Precisely. Same sentiment I was rudimentally attempting to express earlier.
I have an "ignore" button in real life, too. Doesn't mean I alter what I'm doing or where I'm
going - it just means to "acknowledge and move on", no interaction required.
I get it and agree with @HawkRod. I'm sweeping my way towards the door. I've deleted my garage and know that what's on the internet, stays on the internet. Things I've said with eventually fall off into the abyss and the odds of someone googling something and one of my comments coming up are remote at best. People come and go, that's just how life works. When I have to use the ignore button, it's time to go.
You best not be going anywhere, sir!
I have always had a hot temper.
Staying away from something that tempts you to stray out of bounds makes the most sense for me.
Think of it as you would if you were an alcoholic or overweight....You remove yourself from the temptation to engage in behavior that will probably have NO positive outcome.
I'm not talking about ignoring everyone that one disagrees with.
I love to learn and grow. You can do that by keeping your eyes and ears open to those with different perspectives.
I'm referring to ignoring the ones that are just unpleasant and unreasonable. Dealing with them, there is no upside. They aren't going to change. Your sound advice won't make a dent.
Again, agree - with me, it's a lot more about peoples' attitudes than anything else.
Banty roosters are giggled at, then ignored; surly types (AKA Barney Badasses) are informed to
leave me be (and why, if it gets that far).

Passive aggressives are the toughest to ignore for me; my natural instinct is to engage and "correct" -
which you know, I know, the American public knows ain't gonna go anywhere productive.
My wife can see it coming when that happens and gives me the "now, Ed....don't..."
She doesn't need to anymore....
THAT part of aging that Pop advised me on, I have made an effort to work on and strides have been
made - hence, the "life iggy" button.
Works pretty good, turns out. :thumbsup:
First off, I'd like to state that this is not a complaint thread. I don't want to bash anyone. I'd also ask that if you respond, please consider doing the same.

I have a few members on IGNORE. I won't state who they are but the ones on the list are there for a variety of reasons.
I'm not as high strung as I used to be but I still do get riled up. I find that proactive measures like the IGNORE feature can keep me from taking things too far.
It can be easy to let other members get you angry. It can be hard to see something that is so different from what you think and just let it go unanswered.
The way society has changed the past 15 years or so, we are more divided than ever. Some of us have really dug our heels in with our opinions.
It can be hard to hash out our differences when we are so far apart.

There are some members that I see engaging with others with completely opposite opinions and they often really mix it up. It took me years to understand that in most cases, arguing is pointless because the other guy is either as stubborn as I am or not willing to see the facts as they appear to me.
Some people don't use the Ignore function because they say that they don't like the idea of censoring others. While this is a noble thing, I have another take on that.
If you don't like broccoli or spinach, you just don't eat it. If a TV show is on that you don't like, you turn the channel. When a newspaper prints stuff you don't believe, you choose not to read it. That wasn't censorship, that was just avoiding what you didn't like. Those things still exist, you just don't have to experience any of it.
The IGNORE feature is like that. The people that you disagree with still are free to post whatever they want, you just don't have to see it.

In some cases, some people that I disagree with sometimes post something that makes enough sense to reconsider my position.
In other cases, the other guy seems way too far gone to give any of my time.

My point here is that using this feature may provide some relief for the members when we encounter someone that intentionally annoys us.
You'll likely never get through to that person. They may only serve to be a thorn in your side.
You might end up having a much better experience on the forum by letting them do their thing without engaging with them.
Thank you. My response. Damn, I wish I could hit all 3.
Makes for a far better experience, if they are getting you riled up
not good for other parties here either, some people just don't care
or have a clue...

Ignore, there's no shame in it at all...
It's not censorship at all, just not engaging with the ****-stirrers...

why try ? when they don't/won't change either
mostly they haven't, never will change or have changed since, they came on here...

some are here just to 'poke the bear', to start arguments, they get off on it
and openly they admit it too

Those, they are the types, I Ignore

Smiley Bill Goldberg - you're next.jpg

Some, not all, but a factor in the decission...
I don't think, they ever had a car/B-body to be seen, never posted,
(not that it's a requirement) or never helped anyone, here ever
or here just to start ****, even if they do have a car
or a know-it-all (that doesn't), they are the worst

(I have 2 of them, total **** stirrers, think they are entitled somehow
that the admin. put on IGNORE, has nothing to do with politics either,
they've both had multiple run-ins with most everyone (reg. posters) here,
even the very people, who try to help them
Just here to stir the pot, or be an argumentative smart-***, force their views,
confrontational, purposely start ****/arguments,
they don't try to get along well with others...

I'm sure some of the regular suspects, some of our 'more reg. contributing' members here
'know whom' I refer to, too

Smiley The List I'm NOT afraid to us it.png
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