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Was The Cowboys Game a Black Sox Redux?


Well-Known Member
Local time
12:48 AM
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
Orange Park, FL
I HATE the Dallas Cowboys, and I'm no fan of the Detroit Lions either, but I have to say I couldn't help but wonder what Jerry Jones' recent spending habits in the Detroit area have been. You have a Lions team playing very consistently for 56 minutes of football, and then there's a series of not one or two but five events that hand Dallas the win? That just doesn't occur naturally.

And once again, we see NFL referee Pete Morelli in the middle of a blatantly bogus game-changing call. For those of you who aren't Steelers or Colts fans, in the 2005 AFC Divisional Playoff game, a game the Colts were very heavily favored to win and the NFL was HEAVY into making Payton Manning a household name, the Colts were getting creamed by the Steelers all day. Comes the fourth quarter, and Manning is on the ropes and throws a bad pass that results in a game-ending interception by Troy Polamalu. Troy intercepts the ball, goes to the ground, and then hits the ball with his knee as he gets up to start running but then recovers it. The ruling on the field is, correctly, an interception followed by a fumble and recovery. But the Colts challenge the call at the last second, and Pete Morelli shocks everyone from the crowd to the sportscasters by overturning the call on the field! The call was so bad the NFL had to issue a public apology on Monday and state Morelli should never have made it. Luckily the Steelers ended up winning, but that call kept the Colts in the game.

Now we have the same ref, in the same situation, pick up a flag on a legitimate pass interference call, with no explanation? A call that would have ended the game for Dallas, and he just cancels it out, which gets Dallas the ball and back in the game. And then we have a punter who's done well all day inexplicably botch the most critical punt of the game, then the Cowboys who've had trouble moving the ball all day breeze into the end zone with the winning score, and then we have the Lions on their last drive fumble the ball not once but twice.

I couldn't help but think back to the infamous Ravens/Patriots game in 2007 when the Patriots were near the end of their much ballyhooed undefeated season and add revenues for the NFL were through the roof as audiences were nearly doubling for every game near the end of the season to see if the Patriots would stay undefeated. But comes the fourth quarter and they are losing to the Ravens, and first there are two very questionable pass interference calls against the Ravens that keep the Patriots alive, and then the topper comes when Randy Moss clearly juggles the ball as he leaves the end zone on the final play of the game. The play is reviewed and not only does the ref spend close six minutes under the hood, he's also seen making a phone call to someone! Who's he talking to? When has a ref ever needed to make a phone call to review a play? Then the ref comes back and says Moss had control of the ball, the play is ruled a touchdown, and the Patriots win. That game removed all doubt from my mind that the NFL does like to put a thumb on the scale to make sure the right teams win at the right time to push a story line, and I suspect after yesterday they did it again.
interesting.....once i heard my great uncle say, "The Fix Is IN"!....and thought what is his problem?.....

yesterday, I said to one of my sons, "the fix is in"...and he laughed at me.
:sad1: i thought it was just me.......

.......just food for thought, from Sonny

also. I picked Cowboys by 3.
I definitely think the fix is in. I was watching the pre-game shows on NFL Network on Saturday to see all the Steeler coverage, and you would have thought Dallas was playing on Saturday! They were running interviews with Jerry Jones, doing pieces on Romo, and in between segments on the Cowboys they mentioned there were a couple of other wild card games being played. It was pretty obvious the NFL Network is making a huge promotional push for the Cowboys this year, which means the NFL is making a push.
I'm from Detroit, and haven't followed the Lions since the 70's. I've been watching this year, and I truly believe that was fixed. Back to not caring a bit for another few decades.
I couldn't help but think back to the infamous Ravens/Patriots game in 2007 when the Patriots were near the end of their much ballyhooed undefeated season and add revenues for the NFL were through the roof as audiences were nearly doubling for every game near the end of the season to see if the Patriots would stay undefeated. But comes the fourth quarter and they are losing to the Ravens, and first there are two very questionable pass interference calls against the Ravens that keep the Patriots alive, and then the topper comes when Randy Moss clearly juggles the ball as he leaves the end zone on the final play of the game. The play is reviewed and not only does the ref spend close six minutes under the hood, he's also seen making a phone call to someone! Who's he talking to? When has a ref ever needed to make a phone call to review a play? Then the ref comes back and says Moss had control of the ball, the play is ruled a touchdown, and the Patriots win. That game removed all doubt from my mind that the NFL does like to put a thumb on the scale to make sure the right teams win at the right time to push a story line, and I suspect after yesterday they did it again.

I was at that game. It was a FREEZING cold Monday Night game. It was disappointing to say the least for Ravens (and NFL fans in general) that it went bad. I'm not a fan of either team, I was just lucky enough to go to the game. But I agree with your statements.
I felt the Detroit "giveaway" was pretty obvious myself,
It still the "Same Old Lions" story.Growing up in MI and following the Lions is a heartbreak story. The owners are not accountable,they hire General Managers and staff and players that adhere to that. Always a few good players emerge but the rest of the organization always falls flat.
Throw a flag...then pick it up
Again, Dez Bryant walks on the field with no helmet and there is no call on that?
Even though I'm on the other side of the pond - I've been a huge Lions fan since a long time - I stuck with them when Barry quit, hell I even wore my hat with pride when we were 0-16 in 2008 but last night was troublesome to watch. If that game wasn't fixed I swear I'll wear a huge cheese hat for the rest of the playoff

- - - Updated - - -

On the same topic:
With their first pick in the 2015 draft, jerry jones and the cowboys picks Pete Morelli
I don't care about either team. I think it was a good non-call. The linebacker was running down the field, he wasn't arm-barring the receiver or impeding his progress in any way; the ball was under thrown. And he couldn't turn to the ball 'cause the receiver was holding onto his face mask! Should have been offensive PI.

Football has become an unwatchable penalty-fest where the defense is penalized because the offense didn't execute. If the pass led the receiver instead of falling 3 yards short it probably would have gone for a big gain. Let 'em play football.
There have been calls like this forever! The "tuck" rule where the Raiders haven't been the same organization since. I have been a Cowboys fan since I can remember! However, I have struggled since Jerry took over and did what he did to Tom Landry and company.

I saw the play and said to myself there's another stupid defensive penalty! Then I looked and they picked the flag up. I was amazed. Super bee had it right though, Dez on the field to argue the call with no helmet, no flag and no ejection? That should have been an automatic call. Giving the lions a first down and much better field position.

Fixed? Looks like it but how the heck can you get that many guys on the payroll without someone opening their mouths like they do.

I hope they do some good looking at this game and the calls.
Congratulations Cowboys. You win a trip to beautiful Green Bay in the dead of winter. Forecast is sunny and 10 degrees at game time. Enjoy!:frozen tongue:
Lions folded like a lawn chair in the 4th quarter,
way to conservative play calling,
a really bad PI call against the Cowboy's, that was just picked up...

Kind of status quo

nothing is beyond the realm of reason...LOL

the fix is in...LOL
I only got to see a few plays here & there,
while I was helping my elderly aunt,
take down all her Christmas lights, tree & decorations etc. up the mountain...

What I saw in the 1st half, from the Lions defense & offense,
that surely wasn't the same team/coaching, I saw in the 4th Qtr...

- - - Updated - - -

I only saw very little of the Ravens @ Pitt game too, but what little I did see,
I can't say I'm really shocked after the amount of time Benn was harassed in the pocket,
how many Ravens were around him/allot...

Interesting for sure

That Cards @ Carolina game was hard to watch, not a big fan of sCam Newton,
it's hard to win with a 3rd-4th string {Cards} back-up QB in the NFL especially in the playoffs...

I liked the Cinn. @ Indy game outcome {I like Andrew Luck, class act} but didn't see much of it either...
When it comes to Big Money (= big government & big corporations ), I easily believe in fixes.... they're all crooks.
I saw some of the Detroit and Cowboy game but missed the important part so I cant say my opinion on it. I can say Detroit looked almost like a different team in the second half as they sure did not have the spunk that they had in the first half and the Cowboys might have won but they did not look like a dominating team to me as it looked more like they were lucky to win. I hate to see a game come down to some bad calls as I feel for the Detroit fans as they have been waiting a long time for some playoff wins.

Being from Baltimore I of course was glad to see the Ravens win and was surprised they did not fold after Pittsburg scored as I thought the momentome was going to shift to Pitt but the Ravens wanted that win bad and I think played their best game of the year to win it. The Ravens just stayed after it and I feel it was a win they deserved as they played good and hard to get it. I honestly did not think they would play that good the full 1 hr as they did their best to win that game. As they say the playoffs is a whole new season and it dont matter what your season record was as the playoffs has all teams start from 0 and 0. Ron
As my friend and co-worker says - "A Detroit win would not fit the "business plan!""
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