Hello everyone.
How do I go by looking up history on a Car? Like trying to find out what dealer it came from or the first owner and such . I do know that it originally a north Carolina car. Any help would be great
Thanks Billy
After 9/11, Privacy Act information got much, much harder to obtain. Most states will provide ownership history of a vehicle, but only for the time it was registered in your state AND only if the car is titled/registered to the person making the inquiry. Exceptions are made for insurance companies, law enforcement and courts. If you can't show you own the car, you're not gonna get it, period.
There is no such thing as Carfax for cars built before MY1981; this is when the standardized 17-digit VIN became mandatory. A CertiCard will provide the name of the original buyer, and a five-digit dealer code. That is the selling dealer. Correlating that number to the selling dealer is very difficult, as dealer IDs changed over the years.
The CertiCard also shows the VIN, trim code, paint code, transmission, rear axle (SA or SG) & scheduled build date.
This was the warranty card.
So, if you have a previous ownership string to research, you have a good start. If not, your task is nearly impossible. There is NO database of any kind where you can do a Carfax-style (or any other style!) VIN research for prior ownership history. Ain't gonna happen.