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Who has MOVED from their home state ? How difficult was it for you?

Kern Dog

Life is full of turns. Build your car to handle.
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
10:25 PM
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Granite Bay CA
I have been casually considered a change. The Wife and I are often disgusted. Add to that the increasing tax burdens we face, higher gas prices, increased traffic, etc...
The weather here is fantastic though. The scenery is great. We are close to mountains, close to lakes and rivers, close to the coast and San Francisco even though we rarely go.
For years, I have wondered why people in cold climates continue to stay there when there are so many places they could live where it is so much more comfortable. I have come to realize that FAMILY often tethers people to their home state. I understand that sometimes younger people will leave one state to take a job in another with the intention of maybe moving back "home someday".
That is not the case here. I have a couple of years before I can retire with a full pension. The Wife makes good money and can work from home anywhere with a good internet connection. Wherever we might move isn't something I'd see as temporary. I am not certain that we would leave. Right now we are just looking at options.
We are in agreement about what we want. We like green grass, rolling hills, lots of trees and maybe even water on the land either in the form of small streams or a pond.
The weather needs to be reasonably similar to Sacramento CA. No heavy snow, no high humidity and no 120 degree Summers. We would prefer property with at least 10 acres. The Wife looked at Zillow listings and found all sorts of properties in Tennessee that seem to meet the criteria. The state sales tax is actually higher there than in CA! What??? a 7% state tax with an average 2.45 local tax for a 9.45 % average! Here where I am it is 7.75%. The property taxes are lower though. I'd imagine gas prices are too.
I do recall members here that were once California residents that moved away. I have heard of several people that relocated to Idaho. What do you know about that state? I love the spirit of Texas but if it looks as flat and barren as most of Nevada or Arizona, I'll politely decline.
To those that did move, was it difficult to adjust? Did you have any regrets? I've lived here since I was 2 years old so this is not an easy thing to decide. The Wife left family in Arizona to move here. Moving again would not be as difficult for her.
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Light that place on fire on your way out!
Home is home I'm getting sick of FL when my parents. Pass I will move somewhere else ! Till then I stay here for them as my siblings are idiots!
My family moved from Atlanta, GA to the DC suburbs in the mid 70's and it was quite traumatic for us
kids, having all grown up in the same house in the same neighborhood.
Two totally different worlds, really - and we all wound up moving away from that region with time, me
being the last to go in 1995.
Wound up here in TN (where both sides of our family were originally) and never regretted it.
The old stereotypes about both regions are true, turns out.
People are just more friendly and laid back here; up yonder, not so much.

Yes, sales tax is high here - but property tax is silly low, there is no "personal property tax" (just pay
for your vehicle tags each year) and most of the state doesn't even have emissions or a safety inspection
on vehicles, either.
Even more importantly, there is no state income tax, either.
I got a little over 10 acres up here on the side of the ridge just outside a small town; my nearest neighbor is
a quarter mile away and I can see for about 50 miles out in about a 180 degree radius in a line running SW-NE.
I've told you all stories of interactions with folks around here before.
I just feel like this is the part of the country I belong in; not knocking anywhere else, folks are just folks here.
I've never moved except across the street but have seen the whole country, lots of beautiful States out there to choose from. My part of the world matches your wish list perfectly except for the Winters which you want nothing to do with lol. Tennessee might be a good pick for you, only thing I didn't like is you either had mountains or flat plains and little in between... could have been just the area I was through? Good luck with your search.
My family moved from Atlanta, GA to the DC suburbs in the mid 70's and it was quite traumatic for us
kids, having all grown up in the same house in the same neighborhood.
Two totally different worlds, really - and we all wound up moving away from that region with time, me
being the last to go in 1995.
Wound up here in TN (where both sides of our family were originally) and never regretted it.
The old stereotypes about both regions are true, turns out.
People are just more friendly and laid back here; up yonder, not so much.

Yes, sales tax is high here - but property tax is silly low, there is no "personal property tax" (just pay
for your vehicle tags each year) and most of the state doesn't even have emissions or a safety inspection
on vehicles, either.
Even more importantly, there is no state income tax, either.
I got a little over 10 acres up here on the side of the ridge just outside a small town; my nearest neighbor is
a quarter mile away and I can see for about 50 miles out in about a 180 degree radius in a line running SW-NE.
I've told you all stories of interactions with folks around here before.
I just feel like this is the part of the country I belong in; not knocking anywhere else, folks are just folks here.

How's the summer heat in TN?
I left KC MO in 93. moved to Houston, left there headed to Orlando. Left Orlando and moved to St Pete then Naples FL. Now I live in Dallas. All the Moves were moving forward except to Dallas. Dallas was a move for my wife. The Dallas move was the hardest. I believe as long as you are going forward it will be easier then if you are running from something
Youll probably never find another place with climate like Cali. So dont set yourself up for disappointment. But thats not necessarily a bad thing. Your dollars will last much longer.

Some people enjoy the different seasons, Id absolutely hate living anywhere that didnt have 4 distinct seasons and snow in winter. Fireplace heating the shop, taking kids sledding, hunting pheasants in the snow with my dogs. These are all things that can only be accomplished in certain climates. Or the unmatched beauty in fall when the leaves on trees in decidious forests turn golden. Or in spring when wildflowers decide its time to wake up from a winter of slumber.

Personally I may consider Tennesee. Winters are more than your use to but not brutal like upper midwest winters. Summers are warm but not unbearable. Plenty of beautiful scenery with lots of outdoorsy stuff. And the people are polite, (just so long as you dont sound like a yankee).
I moved from northern Ohio to Tn and loved it. Sales tax is higher but there is no state income tax and gas is cheep.summer heat is mostly in the 90s but really humid. Maybe not where you want to be if you have allergies. Very humid . We moved back to Ohio this year to be closer to kids and grandkids.
Kern Texas has a varied topography, although we don't really have any snow capped mountains. The flat land is coastal areas and up in the pan handle, most is rolling hill.
Coastal Plains, rolling hills of the pine forest (Big Thicket) of East Tx, what we call the the Hilll Country are clear streams , limestone canyons, you have the Oak prairies , lakes are everywhere.
No state income tax, 8.25% sales tax in things other than food items.
We could use some conservative Californians. .a lot of the left are migrating this way and we don't want the same thing happening here....
I loved Colorado Springs when I was there, winter might be a little rougher than Cali though...
If I wasn't 65 years old already I would seriously consider moving to Texas. Been there many times but just last month the wife and I drove through the south western part of Texas...a HHUUUUGGGGEEEE state by he way........It was "hilly" and to me, resembled what Mike67 says is East Texas "hill country". Not nuch grass but miles and miles of what we would call Valley oak trees. Massive groves of them as far as the eye could see with wildlife all over the place. I saw so many deer just off the road in these "forests". We went to Austin for a gig the wife went to. Austin was nice but close in was VERY congested. I spent several temporary stays in Texas while in the Air Force in San Antonio and Wichita Falls (north part) and have been there in all seasons. The weather can be volatile at times but like you, being used to our awesome weather, I could get used to it just fine. I like the general atmosphere in rural Texas. Even the big cities are ok, just too crowded. The people were always great in my experience too.
Don't count Texas out until you visit!
most of my family has moved to tennesee my sister lives near nashville which is a mad house but still pretty nice once you get out of the cluster . my brother lives towards the eastern side which is alot more mountainous , and prettier in my opinion. pretty hot in the summer lots of 90 degree days with higher humidity, they do get snow about once a year and hover around the 50's but tolereable in my opinon. I have too many grandkids here too leave for good but some snow birding may be in my future exploring the south for the warmth in the cold months away from here in the big freeze. good luck!
I'm in New Jersey and getting sick of the friggin' taxes and the left side BS.....wanting to legalize pot and become a sanctuary state, among other issues. Would love to settle in Arizona, I'm a fan of not having to shovel sunshine! I still play baseball and hate not being able to do that or anything with the car for damn near six months out of the year. No real family left for me except my daughter....which is THE main reason I can't talk my wife into leaving.......but I continue to try to wear her down,lol.
Been a Michigander almost my entire life. It just works for me. I lived in S. Kally for a couple years......and hated it. It's just what most people get accustomed to. I like winter, due to my building cars all the time. It also lets me do my shooting hobby. Summer has become my least favorite season, due to heat. I've managed to acquire a medical condition, called Anhidrosis....the summer heat and sun knock me off my feet.[literally]. Michigan has seasons, which brings some relief. I need to get less geared towards the cars, as they require lots of time in the sun.
Hmmm....well, here's my 2 cents. After a live spent moving every few years I have been nearly everywhere. Moving, to me anyway, is not a big deal, although, I can see where it would be for you.
TN is a good choice as is NC. Your bucks will go farther and the climate is doable. I would vote for VT, but that's just me. Someone else said that you wont find the same climate outside of CA but you can. Hawaii has it, Oregon, Idaho somewhat. IMHO it would be worthwhile to examine some additional factors before choosing a place. Things like medical facilities, entertainment, tourist load, traffic, weather events, gangs, drugs, demographic make up, military industrial footprint, target likelihood.
I chose VT for many reasons. Little to no gangs, little to no weather events, not nearly a target for Nuclear bombs, or terrorists, small population, no billboards or urban sprawl, mountains, lakes, grassland and trees, slower way of life, proximity to escape into Canada, very little traffic, two cities of any size, proximity to NYC, Boston for medical if needed, or entertainment. The property taxes are high but I get a huge break being 100% VA. In the near term future it is expected that people will be migrating away from the coasts and into the South. That works for me as I don't like people in general and don't want to be inundated with idiots from the cities. Most "people" don't want to live here because there is little to do that's not involved with country living and minding your own business. No thrills a minute here and that's how we like it. Anyway, for you I expect either Idaho around Kootenai Falls/Sandpoint, or Western TN would be in the top of the list.
Home is where you hang your hat.

Where to live/retire? It's all about tradeoffs and personal preferences. There might be something that I might not even notice, or care about for that matter, but it would be something that you find intolerable. You and the Mrs should take some trips. Happy wife, happy life.

Anyway, you mentioned Texas and Tennessee... I think you would like:
(1) New Braunfels, Texas and the "Texas Hill Country" in general.
(2) Most parts of Tennessee, but not the Memphis area.
(3) East Texas

Maybe these for you and the Mrs:
(4) Alabama. In particular, Huntsville and northwards to the border with Tennessee.
(5) Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Moved from long island to Arizona
taxes way too high cold wether blows no pun intended.
Best thing we ever did
Taxes on my house in NY were $10,000 compared to $1900 here
That’s $150 a month instead of $650
And the houses are less than have.
With a built in pool
The people are nicer,less stress
And you can play with your cars year round.
No humidity no earthquakes no hurricanes what’s not to like.

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Moore County in central North Carolina is really good. Been here for 7 years. Demographics are good, still a Republican/conservative area, health care facilities are good, plenty of golf and other things, weather is good (not many hot and cold days).
This is a purely political comment. I don't care what state a person lives in but if you're a liberal and moving out of a state that the liberals have ruined and into a state that's still "red", leave your damn liberal ways at the state line. Otherwise, we don't want you.
Submit and I will be moving to here next year....

Of course, it will look a little different than it does now.
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