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occupy wall street explained

Yes...this "sense of entitlement' is everywhere it seems...someone owes them something...LOL
Whittle hasn't a CLUE what the Occupy Wall Street movement is all about.
He has nailed it for about 5% of those truly protesting, there are those who just don't get it and are screaming just to be heard. But the real protest is about the bail out and how little to none of the money used to bail out the bad loans the banks took on is being "funneled" down to the middle class for their own kind of bail out, I know from personal experience JP Morgan chase the wealthiest bank on this planet was bailed out and part of that bail out included programs for small business loans.

When you walk into your bank to try to get your piece as a small business your told sorry none for you...and we are talking as little as 10k. Were did all that bail out money they got go? They got their **** fixed up.

The very next day you hear about corporate banks and their lavish end of year party's and the top exec's giving out 1000's in bonuses.

This is were the frustration and anger stems from. When you see the banks getting all the breaks while your neighbors loosing his house / business / lively hood it makes you wonder what the **** is really going on here? were did our tax dollars go? who did we really help with the bail out? we were told it was going to be the middle class and help those who just need it to get past this job loss crisis or help them get past the one to two late payments. what happened to the money? Where did it go?

I'm all about the freedom to make all the money you want and have as much stuff as you can fit in your mansion hell that's the american dream baby wealth beyond imagine!. I don't care what my neighbor has good for him good for the guy who got to go to Harvard and is now a high priced attorney good for the doctor who spent 12 years in school and now makes 700k a year good for all of them. That's not the problem.

We all know that people who shouldn't have been able to get that $600k house got it then went belly up on the mortgage...but was it their fault for dreaming big and not getting slapped down to reality by the lender? or is it the lenders fault for qualifying them knowing dam well they loan will get sold so many times no one will every be able to keep track?

I agree there are those who think they are entitled but that is not what the protesting is about or at least what it should be about now it's lost all of it's focus and drive for the good, and then there are the thousands of idiots protesting because they are crack heads with nothing better to do and they are homeless etc.

There is an in-balance but we were told our money was going to help the little guy when in fact it went to the richest guy who could have been told to tighten his belt along with the rest of us but instead got to not only loosen his belt but never missed a beat in his lifestyle. Wouldn't that piss you off?


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Whittle hasn't a CLUE what the Occupy Wall Street movement is all about.

You hit the nail on the head!

If these Occu-tards knew whom they are protesting, then they would be setting on Pennsylvania Ave. protesting the Tycoon in the White House.
You know the very Tycoon who bashes Wall Street and yet invites the CEO of GE Jeff Immelt to be his Job's Czar (or what ever his title is). You know GE the company that made billions of dollars last year and paid 0 taxes.
And the very person who gave 100's of millions tax payers dollars to Solindra who went bankrupt... OH wait a minute, the CEO of Solindra is a major donor to the White House Tycoons campaign.
Whittle hasn't a CLUE what the Occupy Wall Street movement is all about.

Greg, I'm amazed that you support the very people who would love nothing more than to see your 70 Roadrunner run through a crusher because in there eyes your car is nothing more than a reminisce of capitalist society that did nothing but pollute and destroy mother earth.

I'm trying to understand how the wealth of someone on Wall Street or anywhere else for that matter affects your standard of living in any way but positive. What is it you do for a living?

Speaking of the rich…. you may want to give Michael Moor a call. He has the audacity to stand in a crowd of Occu-tards screaming at the rich CEO's when he has a net worth of 50 million dollars and has a 2 million dollar house on Torch Lake in Michigan plus his multi million-dollar pad in NYC. Now that’s hypocrisy at it’s best.
Greg, I'm amazed that you support the very people who would love nothing more than to see your 70 Roadrunner run through a crusher because in there eyes your car is nothing more than a reminisce of capitalist society that did nothing but pollute and destroy mother earth.

I'm trying to understand how the wealth of someone on Wall Street or anywhere else for that matter affects your standard of living in any way but positive. What is it you do for a living?

Speaking of the rich…. you may want to give Michael Moor a call. He has the audacity to stand in a crowd of Occu-tards screaming at the rich CEO's when he has a net worth of 50 million dollars and has a 2 million dollar house on Torch Lake in Michigan plus his multi million-dollar pad in NYC. Now that’s hypocrisy at it’s best.

Those are only a small percentage of the people at the protest. The wall street banks got bailed out and their officers got million dollar bonuses while us normal people watched our 401Ks and home prices drop. My buddy worked for a company in Texas where they execs wer told to cut expenses. They did it by laying people off and moving jobs offshore. The execs got bonuses for a job well done, the workers got screwed. Look at the charts of how much richer the rich are while the income of me and other regular joes stayed about the same and the income of the poorest went down.
This guy has not a clue...When he got out of school he got a job...He was able to pay his student loans...There were plenty of jobs 25 years ago...When this idiot left his school with his major in journalism...He has never hunted a day in his life!!!He doesn,t know that congress passed a law so their kids don,t have to pay back their loans...Yes there are idiots in the occupy cities...I lived in berzerkley fo 10 years...Hell the people will protest the sun coming up in the morning...Yes their are idiots there to join the party and drink beer and smoke weed...These cities are crying because they got to spend money to clean up after these people...If the cities had their **** toghter than they would have the money to pay for it...If our goverment didn,t sell out our workforce and let the banks give out frivilous loans we would be in good shape...It is a fact that more millionairs have been made in this country in the last 20 years than any time in history...The middle class is going to be gone...then we will be no different than a third world country with starvation and high rates of unemployment and crime out the ***...
Petty Blue 67 gTx
Our 401 Ks are tanking because they are being invested in companies that have no intention of growing. They then use the extra cash for huge a bonus for the top dogs. If they could grow, someone would sue them because they were making a noise, or a smell, or even worse they were going to kill a daddy long leg.
Let's see, there's something like 250 Congressmen in Washington that a millionaires? Ain't these the same guys that make the laws that allow the ones with the money to make even more money? I have nothing against people with money....after all, a lot of them create jobs while making even more money for themselves. What I do have a problem with is when upper management makes 20 times or more than I do. Hell, even my immediate stupidvisor made twice as much and then kicks me to the side to make room for a moron buddy of his that did 3 times less work than I did. Wait, maybe that was the problem....I did the work and the moron buddy didn't!
Occupy wall street explained: Men and Women of all races, backgrounds, political and religious beliefs, began to organize in nonviolent protest. These men and women represent the 99% with the goal of ending the greed and corruption of the wealthiest 1% of America. Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless resistance movement which began as a call to action from Adbusters, a Canadian-based anti-consumerist organization. Think, see between the lies. I'm retired NYCPD .I have friends down there involved in this ****. Nonviolent my ***. Provoking & abusing the media views Yes!!!Organized in the USA ! Their leader, just look to the White House. You should decided to explain it to your daughters and sons.. This is a Trojan Horse... Wake up ..
If this were truly about bank bailouts, then where were these people when the tea party was protesting (legally I might add), to the bank bailouts? Where do you stand on the bail outs of the car companies? All bailouts, or just the ones that benefit you or those around you?
Bailouts are bad in any form in our country because it picks winners and losers and determines who will win/lose. That's not how it's suppose to work. You have a good Idea/product, people will buy it. You have a bad business model? You will go out of business.
It's not the governments job to save people from themselves. We have bankruptcy laws. The banks and car companies should have gone through bankruptcy and been made to restructure, just like Chrysler in the 80's.
How about some personal accountability in business or in life!!
One more thing, corporations can only get away with what is lawful or not enforced. The real beef should be with the government. Where was the SEC when these guys were losing hundreds of billions of dollars? That's right, watching **** on the computer. Why isn't Christopher Cox in jail for not doing his job and costing the taxpayers trillions of dollars? Why is it possible for GE to file a 57000 page tax return and pay NO taxes? Why aren't the protesters on GE's lawn protesting them? Why does no one in the press call out Obama for having Immelt on the presidents "jobs council" while shipping thousands of jobs to China?
These clueless people are protesting the wrong end. They should be protesting the government for not enforcing the current laws and for setting up the environment for crony capitalism.
Gingrich said it the best, "tell 'em to take a bath and go get a job."

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