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Dog Attack

That aluminum tube will be useless as a defense device. Keep looking.
I just figured if I can see them coming I could at least swing the thing back and forth and keep 'em at bay. But I guess it's a too light weight to matter much in a real fight.
Hurtin'em would have been
my primary goal. They now
roam free to harm someone
else. So much the wiser for
those armed with a bat.
Dogs ain't stupid. Call your
LEO's and report this. I was
attacked once.
These days I carry a gun whenever I leave the house and lots of times I have it on me at home especially when outside. Also have a couple of guns in the shop. My place isn't fenced and every now and then, a dog or two will come snooping around. Last time one came to visit the sucker growled at me and that's when I grabbed the 12 ga and told him to get the hell out of here. Maybe he didn't like my tone of voice or didn't like guns but I didn't care one way or the other.
Try one of these. I wonder if you could use some bear spray? Not sure about your laws there. I carry one of these on my next to my handgun on my belt when we hike.
2024 New Automatic Retractable Hiking Stick – KatanaAll
I have one of those sticks but don't carry it but do keep it in the shop. At least if I'm not carrying a handgun, I might can grab the stick if needed.
I hit an an attacking dog with an Nulla Nulla an Aboriginal hardwood hunting club i can say the dog had a wobbly trip home
Are you sure you got that sentence correct ??? :rofl:

I hit an attacking Aboriginal with a dog Nulla Nulla (a hardwood hunting club) I can say the wog had a wobbly trip home
After being attacked in a similar fashion last year and before I could locate the baseball bat, I carried a pitch fork for a couple of days. Since then I have carried the bat.

This morning since the bat was busted, I looked around the house for a quick alternative so I could maintain our scheduled morning and evening walks without interruption I found an aluminum broom handle that had broken last week. The threaded end that goes into the bristles was cheap plastic and snapped off. That's the second aluminum broom handle that has busted that way now.

I did notice this morning the two dogs that normally bark at us behind a fenced yard without fail did not bark at us as is their custom. I saw one laying down under a vehicle in the fenced yard and I saw no sign of the second one. The attack was more or less across the street from this same house. Can't be sure though if it were the same dogs because in the past I never saw them up close having been always behind the fence barking and me always keeping my distance by walking on the opposite side of the street.

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Heck sir, get a tire buddy. The ones the truckers use. I got both my sisters and my daughters one, when they we were younger. Put a heavy strap on it. I guarantee you it will stop whatever, in its tracks. I’ve been hit with bats twice from so-called tough guys. I won’t deny, it hurt but, seeing it coming, you can minimize the hit. The tire buddy with that hunk of steel on the end, I don’t think I would have had the same outcome, on my end.

Vicious pit bull grabs owner’s jugular, mauls him to death in NYC apartment

Karma........or maybe SATAN!

My 160 lb. Newfoundland was in the back seat of our SUV with his head sticking out of the rear window. He was attacked by about 20+ girl scouts scratching his head and ears until their troop leader made them leave.

Different kind of
dog attack I guess.
My 160 lb. Newfoundland was in the back seat of our SUV with his head sticking out of the rear window. He was attacked by about 20+ girl scouts scratching his head and ears until their troop leader made them leave.

Different kind ofView attachment 1653847 dog attack I guess.
Some people will do anything to get some of those thin mint cookies!
My 160 lb. Newfoundland was in the back seat of our SUV with his head sticking out of the rear window. He was attacked by about 20+ girl scouts scratching his head and ears until their troop leader made them leave.

Different kind ofView attachment 1653847 dog attack I guess.
My pit I wrote about earlier used to ride in the bed of my truck in nice weather. I had to go to Kmart for something, he’d just sit in the bed of the truck while I was gone. I came out and didn’t see him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a group of kids and in the middle was Butch. They were all just loving him up. I yelled Butch, he stood up, started heading towards me kinda knowing he messed up. I said it’s alright and headed towards the kids with him and they towards us. They said their goodbyes calling him by name now. He was a great pup.
When I was a lot younger, we had Great Danes. One was a harlequin named Jake and weighed just under 165lbs. He was huge, with athletic build, very strong but gentle as a cat. We had a neighbor that had a Rottweiler mutt of some sort that would always bark and go nuts every time I or my stepfather would walk Jake by the owners yard. One day when my stepfather was walking Jake by the house, the Rottweiler got loose and charged at my stepfather. In an instant, Jake grabbed the Rottweiler by the scruff of the neck and basically body slammed him hard and pinned him to the ground. My stepfather didn’t even have time to react it happened so quickly. Jake soon released his grip and the Rottweiler took off running the other way. The neighbor’s kid came out all apologetic. That dog never bothered us again. I loved that dog and still miss him dearly.
glad you go out mostly unscathed or injured

a golf club works well, as a walking stick, a 5-7 iron should do
& for self defense if need be too
or to be the aggressor, it's not very long, but effective
(Ask Tiger or his ex-wife)

If need be, you can always kick (like a punt) the aggressor too,
a good boot to the chest/head or nuts, that will usually work, deter the attackers
maybe make them think twice, move on & go after easier prey
I prefer to be healed (armed) at all times, if I'm in an area is suspect is bad in any way
legally I may add
I'm not sure about your country, you dwell in now
& it's laws as for firearms or concealment
for a dog I would assume a warning shot would do, if you don't want to kill it/them
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