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This NFL Crap is Getting Out of Hand


Well-Known Member
Local time
7:32 PM
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
Orange Park, FL
So we had the first video of Ray Rice punching his fiancee and then dragging her from the elevator. Then we have the second video that shows him actually punching her and knocking her out, but what the video actually shows is his fiancee spitting on him, then hitting him twice before he punches her. We also see it wasn't his punch that knocked her out, but that his hit caused her to lose her balance and she gets blacked out by hitting her head into the metal handrail on the elevator wall.

As a Steelers fan, I have no love for Ray Rice. He's been a joke in Pittsburgh since he joined the Ravens because of his diminutive size. The gag around Pittsburgh is asking if he's tall enough to ride the Thunderbolt (our landmark rollercoaster at Kennywood Park). So when I heard this guy punched some woman and knocked her out cold, I was pretty dubious given he's just not that big a guy, and now my doubts have been proven correct. He didn't knock her out, the elevator did. And now we have the media wanting to push this story of domestic abuse that totally omits the fact that the "victim" initiated the assault and more importantly initiated the battery. She was the one who started the hitting, not Rice, yet the push is to make Rice the villain in order to appeal to women and further the lie that domestic violence is a one-sided issue involving just men. And now we have the NFL, who for some reason has been feeling it's future success lies in attracting more female fans for several years now, catering to this effort to affix blame to men and I'm really getting sick of it.

I don't support domestic violence in any form, but I also spent enough time working at a Sheriff's Office to know domestic violence is not limited to men. Women are every bit as guilty of it as men. I remember having to tell one poor guy to lock himself in his bathroom until we could get there despite having been stabbed twice by his wife because if he laid a hand on her and left any trace of an injury, we were bound by law to arrest him and not her. And a grown woman is every bit as capable of inflicting damage on a guy as a guy is capable of inflicting on a woman, yet we have women getting out of trouble using the "but she's just a girl" defense, which should be considered ridiculous but isn't because the agenda is to always defer to women in these cases.

This nonsense is really getting to be too much. How many times in commercials do we see a woman striking a guy for doing something stupid? Why is that gimmick used? Because most women associate with that behavior. General Auto Insurance has a commercial right now where a frustrated wife strikes her husband in the head with a pillow after he tells her they lost their insurance because of an accident he had. Seems innocent enough, but that is actually a case of battery, and can you imagine the outcry if the roles were reversed and the guy hit his wife? Even if he just hit her with a pillow there would be screams of supporting domestic violence, but since "she's just a girl" it's accepted as a cute marketing gimmick.

I would like the NFL to grow a pair and start sticking up for the folks who really pay the bills for them, and that's us guys. The two-game suspension for Rice was fair, and instead of the knee-jerk reaction to the second video, they should have said "wait a minute, she hit him repeatedly first. No one should be hitting anyone else, so this isn't a case of him being overly aggressive but someone responding naturally to an attack." The women's groups would have a cow, but that would be the more appropriate response for the NFL to take.
......the man is strong enough to have killed her with that hit....the issue was obviously one of moderation, which he does not posses. The NFL has a zero tolerance policy for this kind of public display and chose not to review it a closely as it should, and now the media a something else to yack about besides those ISIS *** holes. Lets go back to ISIS.
I disagree with you ,if you watch the hole video before they get on the elevator as she walks by him it looks to me he spit on her and then she slings her arm back at him. Then they get on the elevator and he jumps at her again. I think he's a dirt bag and got what he deserves.
To me, it usually comes down to who's in control of a situation and what that persons response is. Unless there's something going on that you don't see in the videos, Ray Rice is clearly in control of the situation. Unless his wife had pulled a gun on him or something similar, his response to her alleged attack on him was over the top aggressive. He could have easily killed her. He was not in any real danger. He just got angry and lost control of his temper. He has to know that he's responsible for his own actions and even if she started the altercation, he could have easily controlled the situation without punching her in the face and knocking her cold. It would be like my 10 year old grandson taking a poke at me and me punching him in the face and knocking him out. I would never respond to that situation the way Rice did because I'm in control.
You can argue about the NFL's punishment being "fair". Rice is a contracted employee of an NFL team and the NFL has the right to administer whatever punishment they see fit according to the terms of their player's contract. I guess it remains to be seen if there's going to be any action by the local authorities.
Bottom line is we're at a point where a guy can be charged with domestic violence for just grabbing a woman's arm. A woman can strike, beat, punch, swat, hit, stab, or commit just about any form of battery on a man and not be prosecuted for anything! It would be awesome if the legal system would look at things in a measured sense and say "punching someone in the face is battery, but grabbing someone's arm is not" but that's not how it works.

If we're going to keep lowering the bar for what battery is, then both sexes should be equally liable when it comes to charges of battery.
You are correct Bru, In a domestic violence situation (or any assault and/or battery situation) gender shouldn't matter. The responding authorities should have some discretion as to who has control of the situation and who is at fault. Black and white rules on domestic violence clearly cannot cover every situation. The police should have the authority to handle these calls the way they see fit, after all, we send them out there to do just that.
I disagree with just about every thing you say. Any woman is somebody's mother/sister/daughter, and no matter what manner of rationalization you try to purport, and you do, there is no reason to harm a woman, other than clear self-defense to real bodily harm. She spit at him justifies him to clock her ? I honestly find your premise disgraceful. And, the real NFL crap that's gptten out of hand, is permitting some of these thugs getting away with violent crimes, whether human or animal, and continue earning millions of dollars.
This whole situation is unfortunate no matter who was at fault. I do believe the video show's Ray spitting on her twice which indicates he is the aggressor. If he wasn't then he had a choice to avoid this situation by not getting on the elevator. To add insult to injury, he also has a charity for anti-bullying.
You can debate the knockout all you want, but he is clearly seen dragging her out of the elevator by one arm, face down, and leaves her on the lobby floor with her feet still in the elevator. You can see someone reaching in to keep the doors from closing on her.

That right there tells you something about him. But, she went on to marry him, so what does that tell you about her?
This subject has been beaten to death now {no pun intended
it's on here all over the place too, this is like the 5th or 6th thread on this stuff here...

Don't get me wrong,
I think ray Ray Rice is a total low life rich entitled mentality worthless POS
{regardless of who's cities team he plays for}

I will never condone hitting a defenseless woman,
she's by far no innocent party here, by any stretch of the word,
it still doesn't make it right to hit/punch her, he should have restrained himself &
as a man, we've been told don't hit women our whole lives...

To Bruzilla's point there is some form of provocation her {letter of the law},
she allegedly started it & the argument, she was absolutely an aggressor too !!
If you don't want to get beat up or hit, then don't hit someone,
especially if you don't want to get hit back, regardless of your size, age or sex "period",
I told my girls that all the time,
"you poke the bull, you just may get the horns, don't start something & not expect retaliation,
just walk away if you can"

Right or wrong !!, just because you have a uterus, doesn't exempt you from logic or laws,
one person starts the aggression & it accelerates out of control, the original aggressor,
no matter how minor or what sex, can be charged with provocation, hence some justifications for the hitting back,
right or wrong...

Remember there was also alcohol involved here too, they are both 20 something's also,
they were obviously both young & dumb, also drunk as a skunk...

How many people can say that they didn't do something really stupid as a teen or 20 something ??

maybe not to this level or maybe even worse !!

Blown way out of context now !!!

This is way over the top PC BS that propagates in our society today, especially from our liberal media,
nothing's fair about any of it, especially if the media runs with something, your already tried & hung,
before any facts ever come out...

This crap happens everyday 100's of thousands of times a day & never really get any or little coverage,
until a rich or well know celebrity or football player does it {or someone gets killed}, than it's all over every news channel & radio station, it makes no sense to me, media just merely sensationalizing off of a very bad situation...

How about exposing a much, much deeper root to the problem, race & lack of a male roll models,
especially in like 70% of the minorities households, this stuff comes from...
Sadly this crap happens in-front of these types of minority kids allot, while they are growing up,
adding to these issues of domestic abuse...
They grow up to be thugs themselves...

It goes much deeper than "just a man shouldn't hit a woman",
but that's the PC thing to say & do...

IMHFO she's a dumb a$$/idiot for marring the guy too, after he beats her, her fault or not,
this is a vicious cycle of abuse, usually she's too weak to walk away, to weak to go out on their own,
to afraid to live without all the notoriety, fortune, expensive cars, traveling the world, the big houses & fame,
that comes with being a spouse of a famous person, celebrity or professional athlete etc.

NFL is also the victim here...
They are trying to do somewhat the right thing at-least...
Much more than I can say about the countries Political leadership or lack there of,
that should be addressing this issue, especially within the inner-city minority masses...

Greed & gold digging is also a big factor here...

my $0.10 cents now
Well Mr. Budnick and Bruzilla, I tend to agree with you. Personally I think the whole matter has been flogged to DEATH by the media and the PC crowd has run amok. And while I too am not a Ray Rice or even a Ravens fan (*BARF*), I don't think his now Mrs. was innocent in the matter by any means. To me, the video shows an event but it doesn't show all of the event. It would be the same as showing the U.S. dropping an atomic bomb on Japan and then saying "see how bad they were for doing that!!", the U.S. being so strong yet picking on this weak and defenseless Japan. Yet without seeing everything from beginning to end it is hard to put a snipped of time into context. I think 1Fastrunner said it best; It is unfortunate no matter who is at fault but honestly to have the media keep on stirring the bucket...like they are prone to do....well it makes the situation just annoying for all parties including folks like you and I.
Agreed, the media does beat certain stories to death. It won't be dropped untill some newspaper editor decides to start doing stories on shark attacks or tornadoes or armed robberies at McDonalds.

Just drop it and it will go away. When's the last time you've heard about Michael Vick? What he did had to be one of the most inhumane things you could do. Having animals fight to the death and for profit? What's wrong with someone's thinking and moral values to do such a thing? What's he doing nowadays? Exactly my point!
Now i have to wonder how many who deffend this worthless POS have in fact smacked a woman. Hey she hit me first! When your talking about a woman coming at you with a knife well thats a bird of a different feather and thats the argument some want to make to justify hitting a woman. BTW i agree with RC she aint no prize either but again thats not the point,there is no excuse for Rice to hit her,none what so ever
I disagree with just about every thing you say. Any woman is somebody's mother/sister/daughter, and no matter what manner of rationalization you try to purport, and you do, there is no reason to harm a woman, other than clear self-defense to real bodily harm. She spit at him justifies him to clock her ? I honestly find your premise disgraceful. And, the real NFL crap that's gptten out of hand, is permitting some of these thugs getting away with violent crimes, whether human or animal, and continue earning millions of dollars.
And by the same point, any man is someones father/brother/son. Things go both ways. If I get pissed off at my wife and spit at her; Is it OK for her to clock me?
What if my wife was bigger & stronger than me? Is it OK for her to hit me then?

What really disgusts me here is that this has made the news. You may think me ignorant for saying this, but I stand by it. If this was some poor black, white, yellow, brown, or pick a colour... guy who smacked his girlfriend, it would not even get a mention on the local news. But, because some dumbass who can catch a football does it, it all of the sudden a big f'n deal!
Lets not play games. If you think its ok to punch a woman in the face because she slaps you,hits you then thats all i really need to know.

- - - Updated - - -

This guy at work years ago told me a story about his first wife. This had to happen in the sixties. They had a baby and at some point the child was around two and died. Theres more to the story but what happened was the wife went off the deep end. She attacked him more than once,she threw tacks in the bed did crazzy stuff like that. He told me it got to the point he was afraid to close his eyes. But through out it all he never raised his hand to her. They divorced and i found out that one of the foreman it was his sister. That guy always was grateful his sister never got beat and he never held it against my friend they split up.
Well after reading all the threads, I'm glad at least we have Mopar's in common. Otherwise I think some wouldn't tolerate others in a closed room. ;)
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