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Why does baby coming force so many projects to end up on Craigslist?


Well-Known Member
Local time
9:55 PM
Jul 23, 2012
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Hey guys. I was just noticing how many Mopar and other cars/projects seem to end up on craigslist with the comment of baby coming or new baby here. I am lucky enough to have a baby on the way in October and am no where near done with my car but in no way plan on selling my car. I get the obvious of time constraints with a new baby, but with how much most projects have invested in them versus what they can sell for seems crazy to me to sell. If you can't do the project now why not just slow the work down to a trickle or store it until you can work on it. I looked for 3 years before finding a coronet that made sense to fix up, and I will be damned if it's gonna end up with a for sale sign in it. Is it the wives pushing the husbands to get rid of them? My wife isn't super excited about me doing an "old car", but she knows asking me to get rid of it is a silly question. Just wondering.
It's a great excuse to get sympathy for a sale sometimes. It's like advertising antiques as "Grandma's favourite piece" ;)
I think a lot of people/guys just don't have the time, coin, and space any longer when the kids start coming. Some people do - but there's the minivan, toys, and the cost of all the stuff that comes along with your first kids. Instead of the car staying an enjoyable project it becomes the cash and space guzzler you can no longer afford. Not every car ends up there - there's the guys that keep em, love em, and treat them like their kids.
I have a 68 charger and a 68 super bee. Had a son 2 years ago. Ive gotten more done on both cars in the last 2 years than i have in all the years prior to him coming along. Figure that one out.
I thinks it's definitely some of the reasons listed above. Also, I think it's a brief moment of trying to do the responsible thing as we listen to the wife and the realization of having family, etc. Then we finally realize we will never grow up really. So we've either have kept the car or we go find another one or two or three......:headbang:
Assuming your a younger man. If you can start a family and do right by them and hold on to your hobby car than thats ok. Raising children is time consuming and expensive as the majority of us know only to well. To sell your car/project or hold on to it is a personal decision and i wouldn't question or knock anyone who does sell there car

I waited from the time i married in Sept of 74 until around ten years ago to reassume my interest in the car hobby. However things happen in life some good and some not so good and now i own a car that I'm having a hard time to finish. Id sell it in a minute if i could and get something done or at least a driver
Im sure there are as many valid reasons as there are cars for sale.

Years ago my Navy transfer was taking me half way across the U.S. a wife, two kids, dog, family car, pickup, and my pristine 1970 Duster 340. In my mind I couldn't justify the expense of transporting/ keeping the Duster (I would have had to do it again 4 years later...in another direction).

The family could put the money to better use...kids beds, new dresser, trip to see grandparents, etc. I eventually came back to the hobby years later. Do I miss that car? Hell yes! Would I do it all over? Absolutely. My family always comes 1st.
The baby reason is just one reason on top of a long list of have to reasons in life to sell off your favorite assets. I know I sold off a few way back in the day when they were still cheap for numerous have to reasons.
Im sure there are as many valid reasons as there are cars for sale.

Years ago my Navy transfer was taking me half way across the U.S. a wife, two kids, dog, family car, pickup, and my pristine 1970 Duster 340. In my mind I couldn't justify the expense of transporting/ keeping the Duster (I would have had to do it again 4 years later...in another direction).

The family could put the money to better use...kids beds, new dresser, trip to see grandparents, etc. I eventually came back to the hobby years later. Do I miss that car? Hell yes! Would I do it all over? Absolutely. My family always comes 1st.

You sold your car as you were serving your country and had your family to take care of. Were i come from,the way i was raised,the people i associate with. Thats what stand up men do. Id shake your hand if i could
I think it's the panic of the expense of raising a child for the next 20 years or more.After the first few years it goes away.My kids just went thru this but now that their daughter is 2 1/2 they have found that they too can have a few toys of their own.
It helps in my case that i am a bit older than your usual first time dad (38 when he was born) and im not exactly bringing life into the world as im just getting started myself. 15 years ago i would not have been able to swing it. And its also not like the cars are being done at a record pace, but there is progress. See, before he was born we were constantly doing things. Going here or there. Going out at night. Since the son came along we more grounded. It gives me a little more time for projects. I find that i can balance time with him and getting stuff done. If that means spending time with him till he goes to bed and then working on it, thats what i do.
My wife isn't super excited about me doing an "old car", but she knows asking me to get rid of it is a silly question. Just wondering.

I think you have your answer right there. :) Most guys who are about to become parents get more focused on family than project car, especially the guys who understand what the costs are going to be. They take how much money they are sure they are going to need, then triple it. Reality hits them long before the wife even has to ask the question.

As for the wife thinking asking you to get rid of the car would be a silly question, you might want to consider another reason for selling that's often in Craigslist ads... divorce forces sale. :)
Had to sell a car once because I got drafted. Kept the car stored at my dad's house until I got out of basic training and drove it during tech school but once I got done with that, I got orders to ship out overseas and well, sold the car at that time. Dad wasn't fond of keeping it that long either plus I was supposed to be over seas for the next 3+ years (AF). Got married when I was 28 and first kid came along 4 years later but didn't have to sell since I had a decent job. Kids are expensive and so are divorces and child support and getting remarried and then fighting the X's and on and on and been there done that. Today at 64 I'm 100k in debt for my youngest kid's college and she didn't even finish. I would drop it in her lap but the biggest chunk of the bill is in my name. Problem is she thinks her college education cost is something that's owed to her. Sometimes I wonder why I let my kids run over me....
This is a page out of my younger brothers book, so here's the back story I find and help him buy a 73 duster ,he blew up the /6 ,I redid everything mechanical in it v8 conversion,disc brake conversion so on...
He gets married the car gets parked that week . The gets her pregnant the car gets moved to my place. He has a baby the wife is forcing him to sell it for a newer car.
It's the woman it's always the woman they think these cars are dangerous and expensive.(they kinda are but that's not the point) I've made it very clear to my wife I am not selling my charger when kid comes (hers will be sold) and she's fine by that so I'm sinking boat loads of money into parts now (to put on the shelf) because I know when the baby does come I won't be able to go out and buy a wilwood brake setup or a new set of custom wheels. So I'm spending it now figured after I get my back fixed she will want a baby and I'll want to get back into the garage and we can both do that. So to all the guys that have to deal with woman we all know your pain you just need to figure out a plan .
All good points. Didn't mean to come off as a irresponsible "d..k", had just a "heated discussion" about the car and started noticing a lot of those adds on Craig's list. I will say, if you own the car out right and have storage, that's the way to go rather than starting from scratch again.
All good points. Didn't mean to come off as a irresponsible "d..k", had just a "heated discussion" about the car and started noticing a lot of those adds on Craig's list. I will say, if you own the car out right and have storage, that's the way to go rather than starting from scratch again.

Mr Green,if you can hold on to the car even if you have to store it for years if thats what you want than by all means thats what you should do
If you ever get into a situation that you need money and its for your family as a man you sell that car. Don't ever let anyone bullshit you about anything else. Your family comes first and foremost as it should be. There are no guaranties in life either,you just do at that time what you have to do. I knew people who did for themselves rather then there family,sure they provided a roof,food and clothes but when it came for anything else like a education,wedding even braces they skipped and all the while they had a hobby car worth big money. You decide what your going to do,while id not let anyone bulldoze me including my wife,if i knew my home needed something important or my kids needed and i didn't have the dough but i had the car,the car would be gone. The other issue is resentment. When you have the money thats fine but when your putting money into a car that should go towards the house or family thats not fine and it can build resentment
My wife knows how bad i want to get my car done and she does not bother me. The money i make on my P/T gigs helps fund my project. After three private college educations,one grad school,three weddings and God knows how much other money at 63 years old its finally my time….. I think anyway… Good luck to you
My cars are for my kids, no strings attached. Sell them if you need the money. Once you become a dad little else matters. You would sell body parts to make their life better. I know the first year, dads aren't as important. As they grow you will know what to do with your car. I turned to fixing cars and flipping them. It makes more money for the family.

Being a dad is the most rewarding thing you will ever do!
When I found out that my wife was pregnant the thought of selling my 70 gtx wasn't even a thought. I knew that I would have to cut back on spending money on it but didn't think I would have to sell it. But two years latter when my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. I knew that I had a choice to make, I knew that I wouldn't be able to afford to find a hemi forthe gtx to put it back to original, and a few years earlier I had picked up a 67 R/T that I had as a second project.
So I sold my GTX and used some of the money to get engine finished as it was the original one from the car. But I did get many years of enjoyment from that car before I sold it. I remember as if it was yesterday driving up to the hospital entrance and rattling the windows the day I picked up my daughter. It seemed like everyone in the lobby came to the windows to see what was making all that racket. My wife said the nurse asked her, Is that your ride? She said proudly yes it is.
I'd say that's a good thing for someone to realize they have more pressing life issues. I've seen and know too many dickheads who'd rather buy car parts, than treat their families with respect.
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