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The Jerk In Front Of You Going Speed Limit

Richard Cranium

FBBO Gold Member
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
2:26 PM
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
Jun 27, 2023

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BOISE, ID — A new report confirmed by multiple sources indicates the guy driving in front of you has the absolute nerve to drive the legal speed limit on the one-lane freeway you're driving on. What a jerk!

"You're supposed to go 5-10 miles per hour over the limit, everyone knows this," said one eyewitness who also found himself stuck behind the thoughtless creep going 65 miles per hour like an utter weirdo. "This guy obviously either didn't get the memo or he's literally never driven a car before. Jerk!"

Though exceeding the posted speed limit is legally wrong, all sensible Americans have agreed to an unspoken rule that speed limits are more like guidelines. "Nobody drives the speed limit," continued the witness. "You either drive below the speed limit, in which case you're a grandpa who doesn't belong on the road, or you go way too fast, in which case you're an impatient moron who has no regard for the safety of others. But drive the speed limit? Only MAJOR jerks do that."

The jerk driving the speed limit in front of you could not be reached for comment, but that does not change the fact that he is, as suspected, a jerk. "Every reasonable person drives faster than the speed limit," the eyewitness concluded. "It's just like insurance fraud. Is it technically illegal? Yes. But everyone does it anyway, right? No? Why are you looking at me like that?"

At publishing time, an investigation was ongoing to determine if the jerk driving the speed limit in front of you was actually a dangerous psychopath or just merely a jerk.
Actually, coached my kids about speed limits when teaching them to drive. If you’re driving the posted limit, expect traffic behind to tailgate. Driving a couple miles over, if conditions are safe is ok, unless some cop is waiting to snag people driving say 5 miles over the limit. My brother, state cop at one time said he didn’t bother stopping people unless around 10 over, or if something else was included. 9 times out of 10 usually with a decent lawyer, tickets were thrown out of court and didn’t relish wasting his time in court to be grilled by a smart-*** lawyer over trivial BS.
I only drive in the right lane to avoid speed patrol in the left lane.
My average speed is 85. There are times I go left to get around groups.
My brother, state cop at one time said he didn’t bother stopping people unless around 10 over, or if something else was included.
Before I retired from the A.F; there were many cops from state troopers to the local yokels in my Squadron. They won't even raise an eyebrow to anything 5 over and may look at you real hard if you're doing about 10 over. It's a waste of everybody's time to enforce a zero tolerance of speed laws, except for construction zones!
If one guy is riding your ***, he's an asshole.

If a whole STRING of people are riding your ***...YOU, are the asshole. Move right and let them pass.
I tow the line in town. 45 in a 35 on a street where people may be walking or bicycling is no good. 10 over in town easily stretches to 15 or 20 when no one is looking. On the 2 lane highways no more than 5 over. A lot of county black tops around here are hilly and you never know what may be over the next hill. A bike or some farm equipment never ends well. On the interstate I usually go with the flow which is usually 8-10 over. No need to be swerving from lane to lane to pass someone.
Jun 27, 2023

View attachment 1486108

BOISE, ID — A new report confirmed by multiple sources indicates the guy driving in front of you has the absolute nerve to drive the legal speed limit on the one-lane freeway you're driving on. What a jerk!

"You're supposed to go 5-10 miles per hour over the limit, everyone knows this," said one eyewitness who also found himself stuck behind the thoughtless creep going 65 miles per hour like an utter weirdo. "This guy obviously either didn't get the memo or he's literally never driven a car before. Jerk!"

Though exceeding the posted speed limit is legally wrong, all sensible Americans have agreed to an unspoken rule that speed limits are more like guidelines. "Nobody drives the speed limit," continued the witness. "You either drive below the speed limit, in which case you're a grandpa who doesn't belong on the road, or you go way too fast, in which case you're an impatient moron who has no regard for the safety of others. But drive the speed limit? Only MAJOR jerks do that."

The jerk driving the speed limit in front of you could not be reached for comment, but that does not change the fact that he is, as suspected, a jerk. "Every reasonable person drives faster than the speed limit," the eyewitness concluded. "It's just like insurance fraud. Is it technically illegal? Yes. But everyone does it anyway, right? No? Why are you looking at me like that?"

At publishing time, an investigation was ongoing to determine if the jerk driving the speed limit in front of you was actually a dangerous psychopath or just merely a jerk.
Your stuck behind in a commuter lane a jerk going the 65 speed limit while the regular lanes are doing 70/75mph
where people may be walking or bicycling is no good
In the past few years around where I live, multiple crosswalks have been put in. No hassle, BUT some require the traffic to yield and some don't. Would be nice if they made them ALL one way or the other. Few weeks ago, wife was rear-ended at one of those. Person ahead slammed on the brakes to let pedestrians cross in a walk where traffic isn't to yield. She stopped except for the guy behind her who completed his stop by crashing into the back of my once nice truck..
In the past few years around where I live, multiple crosswalks have been put in. No hassle, BUT some require the traffic to yield and some don't. Would be nice if they made them ALL one way or the other. Few weeks ago, wife was rear-ended at one of those. Person ahead slammed on the brakes to let pedestrians cross in a walk where traffic isn't to yield. She stopped except for the guy behind her who completed his stop by crashing into the back of my once nice truck..
That sucks. Probably a lot more of that kind of stuff now days with texting going on.
I think a lot of pedestrians take too much advantage of "they have the right away". Then when you do stop to let them cross, not in a marked cross walk, they'll take their good old time. It's gotten so ridiculous that you have to watch for people walking right out in front of you and they don't even look.
I think a lot of pedestrians take too much advantage of "they have the right away". Then when you do stop to let them cross, not in a marked cross walk, they'll take their good old time. It's gotten so ridiculous that you have to watch for people walking right out in front of you and they don't even look.
I find fewer pedestrians making eye contact with the driver before and while crossing the street these days too. I personally am a lot more comfortable before walking across the street when I know the driver has looked me in the eye to acknowledge I’m there. Especially if I got my girl crossing with me, which is typically the case.
In the past few years around where I live, multiple crosswalks have been put in. No hassle, BUT some require the traffic to yield and some don't. Would be nice if they made them ALL one way or the other. Few weeks ago, wife was rear-ended at one of those. Person ahead slammed on the brakes to let pedestrians cross in a walk where traffic isn't to yield. She stopped except for the guy behind her who completed his stop by crashing into the back of my once nice truck..
Check your local laws - many places, ALL crosswalks are "yield to peds", sign or no sign.

It's like carrying a gun - know your local laws. Signs don't always tell the tale, and they're not always there, either. We're just expected to "know"...
In my 60 years of driving, I have learned that there are only two kinds of drivers out there; Jerks and A$$holes. Jerks drive slower than I do. A$$holes drive faster than I do. Just an old guy sharing his considerable knowledge. LOL
A new traffic program by local small suburban towns and police departments, in the Chicago area, ask residents to step up and be driving ambassadors. Their goal is bumper stickers saying something like “Follow me, I Drive the Speed Limit”
I go by the George Carlin reasoning.

"Anyone driving slower than I? Is an idiot. Any going faster? Is a maniac."

Because I, along with most Chrysler product owner and enthusiasts, are obviously going the socially accepted speed for all circumstances.
gotten so ridiculous that you have to watch for people walking right out in front of you
In the early 90’s visited Sausalito after a week-long meeting in Frisco. Had a rental. Back then there were no yield to pedestrian crosswalks around here mid-street or unless at lighted intersections. Wow in CA gathered that people just strolled into the crosswalk like they were superior with cars slamming on their brakes to stop. Came up on a walk, driving slow, maybe 15mph, and this couple with their kid in a stroller just walked out and was damn near on top of them already. Hit the brakes and stopped in plenty of time. But the dude, huge black guy, started cursing me out, MF this and MF that, now standing next to my window keeping up with the MF's. Said yeah, my apologies…wasn’t good enough as he started drawing a crowd with his screaming. In the group was a cop who started to walk over. That was enough for the dipshit and he took off in a hurry. WTF - ROW or no, just waltz out in traffic with your kid in front in a stroller? Well MF hey...
“Follow me, I Drive the Speed Limit”
What’s that now? Follow me…in Chi-town? Lol, follow them to the nearest alley and get shot? Ain’t gonna follow nobody in Chicago.
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