Interestingly, I've been thinking about this lately. I think there was a 45th for my class this last year - don't know. Don't do faceberg and the only people from HS that I am in touch with don't either/cared about as little about it as I did. My best bud and I still talk all the time - been friends since we were 13 - even tho he no longer lives here. I go by and see his mom with regularity tho.
I only knew of the 10 year and the 25. I found out about the 10 year well after; some girl walked up to me in the grocery store one day, called me by name, asked how I was and asked if I went to the reunion. I answered 'no' and asked her if she went. She said she went to just one event for awhile. I asked her how it was. She answered, "Oh, I just went to see how some people were doing." So naturally I enquired as to how that went; "Oh, the fat girls have all gotten skinny and the skinny girls have all gotten fat! OK - nice to see you, bye!" and off she walked. Still have NO idea who she was.
Somehow my friend Johnny knew about the 25th early on and suggested we go. My answer was "Hey... I didn't like those people then, why would I want to hang around them / what makes you think I would like them now?" he continued to pester about it , saying we had time to lose the 20 pounds or so we had both put on, could ride our bikes up and take the place by storm. I opined that if he could get his current project done - a 110' Harley-ish aftermarket bike - that I would consider. My Triumph was fine and ready...
I knew I was safe.
But recently, I've really begun to think about this. While its true that there were really few people there that I thought much of - 4 in total, of which one is Johnny, one is dead, one MIA and the other whacked completely out - there is still a sort of 'bond' with those folk. Be it merely shared experience, shared lives in the same basic place and time or just plain nostalgia, there is some bond. Plus I AM curious what a few of the girls look like...

I usually arrived late to school, left early and left in the middle when I could get away with it, participated in no 'school activities' and really didn't socialise with many outside of 'car and bike' subculture groups. And darn few of those. Yet, even tho I will have naught to next to nothing to converse with any of them about, should I or the world still exist in any semblance of 'normal' / current form, I am considering attending the 50th if one happens. Can't really explain it, but I'm thinking about it...