Used to love to go, from like 1977-2017-ish, not so much now...
Been there in heat & cool,
I usually stayed in Incline Village, lake Tahoe North Shore, *is nice
drive over to Reno (*not so much) each day or night, cruise a lil'
& walk a lot, go check out the stuff/cars, people
there used to be a lot of pro-street or hot rods, & some real driven muscle cars
not all of the 100pt concourse crap of today, they never drive
it's like it's more about all the lil' mini shows in casino parking lots
than the cruise anymore,
at least when I last went
food was always great though
Biggest lil' city, isn't so lil' anymore
(My lil' brother Dr Mark lived in Reno for decades, he no longer does)