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WTF is with people on Craigslist?

more examples...
as a Buyer
i try to get lower body rocker pics of this decent looking<< ramcharger,
because,hey,they All rot out there and of Course,
he has the pics all angled perfectly to Not show the lower parts of the body......

hes telling me just come and see it.
back n forth it goes...i literally give up.

finally,the truck shows back up on Cl.
new owners right...
even Worse pics,taken at night in a bar parking lot.
so i ask for lower body pics....same bs..alll over again.
just come and see it,youll Want it!
the night before im supposed to drive/3 hours btw/ out there,
he finally sends me a pic of the d side lower,and its Gone.
theres nothing left anywheres to even weld To.

as a Seller
im standing next to the guy whos showed up from an hour away,
and bought the 16' subaru rims/tires for a 100.
hes just thanked me and told me a single rim would have cost him 50 plus tax,so i helped him out immensely.
i get a text,that says..
ill give you 75 bucks for those rims/tires if you meet me halfway to Albany!
i show it to him both me and the guy start dying laughing.
I dont sell anything or buy anything on Craig's list. I buy it new or used local and keep it till its junk or give it away to someone. Very soon i will be getting rid of 35 years of welding equipment and related tools. I plan on leaving most were i work and giving some to the Mexican hardworking guy i know, he will replace me. A few things i will keep till i die and let my kids worry about getting rid of it.
The good: I called a guy about a 2000 Dodge Dakota RT he says man I just had the heads redone on the truck and its leaking antifreeze everywhere.. I go look at the truck crank it up and sure enough its pouring antifreeze out the back of the head. Im like Dude I will pay you 700 cash for the truck as it sits. Hes like Fine just get it out of here.
I get the truck home and sure enough the heads were brand new on the truck.. So I'm like I'll just pull the intake and see whats happening.. Thats when I got the surprise of my life. Whoever put the heads on did a fine job. But whoever put the intake on was a moron. The intake gaskets were broken into 3 pieces on each side. Some of the webs in the gaskets were covering the intake hols to the head and some were covering the exhaust ports. I was like what a fkin moron. Went and spent 45 bucks for new gaskets slapped it together not a drop leaking. Sold the truck a week later for $2700.00

The bad. Traded a Toyota 4 runner that i had 700.00 in for a Honda for my kid to drive.. The Title to the honda was signed in the wrong spot. So i kept calling the guy to fix the problem he eventually just ignored my calls. I then contacted the previous owner that was on the title. Drove an hour and a half to his house and got him to sign the waiver form of title correction. I said man thanks alot and offered him 50 bucks for his time. Dude says sorry that happened to you keep your money.. That was a cool guy the other guy is a douche.
you guys just have to learn how to play the game.
i've bought and sold many items off craigs
yeah,sometimes you will get jerked around good
but i go in fully expecting it and i'm prepared for it.
i will only sell when i'm in the mood to deal with the bs that comes with it.
i've heard it all and i have gotten immune to it,
you will know when someone is serious.

probably the worst for me was i went to look at a 71 rr hood.
i get there and he points to the side of his shop and there it is laying on the ground in a large pile of leaves.
i picked it up and dropped it right back down as the underside was toast and said to the guy
you have to be kidding me,nobody is going to buy that nasty rusty junk,its scrap!
and i thanked him for wasting my time.
he knew i was pissed..
he then says he has some other parts in his shop i might want to check out
skeptical,i go in and look and i ended up buying 2 really mint 68-70 vent window assemblies for 50 bucks for the pair!
Try selling something in Maine/NH..talk about retard-ville. You really do have to brace yourself for the onslaught of stupid questions, suggested payment plans and upside-down trades…never mind the endless no-shows….
I've gotten to the point where I have to set a timeframe that the item is available for viewing: Sunday/Saturday 12-2, first come, first gets…no holds and no waiting for your mom or wife to ok anything.
Setting a timeframe for the brainless dolts seems to focus them and also frees up my weekend. Try it, it works….
Lengthy, honest descriptions and good pics will also pre-sort the empty-wallet-carrying-brain-dead morons among us.
It's free! What do you expect? I think seomeone already mentioned it but if you use the email relay your actual email gets no exposure.

I've bought and sold, never any real issues. The latest encounter is with a guy who is trying to sell a truck but won't return calls or emails, voicemail is full. Guess I know why it's still for sale. Got him to call back once but super scatter brained and couldn't tell me anything of any real value. Oh well.
Oh, and I learned my lesson with bartering a long time ago. CL or no CL. Never barter if you help it. You'll always get the bad end of the deal.
I was selling a speed boat., trailer, on C L...long story, short..the guy came with his 4 kids & wife...said he wanted to make payments and would later pick it up (when paid).....
also said his youngest had cancer and his wife lost her job....
Sonny gave him the boat,(free) & hooked the trailer to his suv.

week later my neighbor noticed it advertised on C L....he ( my neighbor ) went to check it out and he ( the guy I gave it to for free) had 5 boats, motors & trailers etc., to sell at 3X what I was asking.....

you think the baby had cancer? what kind of **** does this?
Your a nice guy Sonny. Probably too nice. People take advantage of nice people because they suck. Not for nothing and i know you were trying to be kind but a cynical suspicious person would have wanted to know what this asshole was going to do with a speed boat (boats are money sponges) when his wife just lost her job and his kid has cancer----Which takes me to my next thought, anybody who would fake a illness and especially use his child is a scumbag. Im going to be honest and tell you when i take my wife to Sloan Memorial every once in awhile i will see a kid who is fighting cancer. Its tough thing to see let alone God forbid anyone has to deal with it. This guy was lucky he dealt with you, somebody else he might not have been so lucky. My best to you,Sonny
Yes, you have to be careful with the people that you meet ANYWHERE, not just CL . . .

I answered an ad for a drill press, and the gentleman invited me to his house to see it . . . YES, I was packing when I went there, but the guy was great, we spent over an hour shooting the breeze on all kinds of topics, and I've got him on my TXT list . . . we still keep in touch to this day . . .


He's working on rebuilding a couple of these, and I've got friends of mine lined up to but them when he's got them completed . . .

You CAN meet some really nice people . . . or . . . maybe I've just been lucky . . .
( not ususal - if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all )
I was selling a speed boat., trailer, on C L...long story, short..the guy came with his 4 kids & wife...said he wanted to make payments and would later pick it up (when paid).....
also said his youngest had cancer and his wife lost her job....
Sonny gave him the boat,(free) & hooked the trailer to his suv.

week later my neighbor noticed it advertised on C L....he ( my neighbor ) went to check it out and he ( the guy I gave it to for free) had 5 boats, motors & trailers etc., to sell at 3X what I was asking.....

you think the baby had cancer? what kind of **** does this?

what kind of **** does this?

this Kind.

2 towns over from me,there was this guy.
lets just call him Duanne,and hes mostly deaf but Not Fullly.
hes married to a deaf chick,got deaf kids,and his gig is this.
he goes everywheres in the state,Hustling people for what they have
complete with Promises of payment just like your guy Sonny.

people immediately feel sorry for him,he takes his 12yr old son with him,
this kid is the only one who Can hear so he swings the deals with his dad.
hes signing back and forth to the dad while the people are talking
the dads writing all sorts of stuff in his notebook they are reading it....
hes deaf blah blah blah they practically fall over themselves to let him take it away and come back later.
except,he never does....
instead he then sells their stuff as his or trades it off,usually on Cl.

i bought a street bike off him,totally fell for this bs.
and Then he could not produce papers,
so i ended up taking it back and making him give me a gocart and some other stuff he had around.
later on,i was at a guys house and talking bikes and turns out
" he " owned the bike and thats why there was " no papers "
talk about one pissed off Real owner.

he Just this past fall got busted for fraud/finally,
a lot of people came forwards and everyone found out.
he has moved out of the area,
rumour has it some farmer took him in....
the owner landlord has condemned the house as well.....
i went by there about a month ago and it looked like he deliberately destroyed the place and there were enough boats to start a Fleet in the back yard...

this guy pretty much uses everyone he comes in contact with.
all using the im deaf and handicapped role.
no telling where hes set up camp now.
if you live anywheres in the western ny state regions,
remember this if a short italian Deaf guy that looks like Mario from donkey kong approaches you...
Well the fun never stops.. I got a reply on the CL ad. Soon after I posted it. I told the guy I was sorting through offers and I would get back to him as soon as I could. He offers me a 2001 Dodge Intrepid R/T 3.5 for my van. And I told him I would get back to him... Anyhow fast forward to today. I get a new email from him same exact email as the first time.
I once was trying to sell a snowblower on facebook. I was asking $500 for it. I had this dumb turd ask me if I would accept $250 for it. I nicely asked him if he would accept an **** fisting from John Cena. Lol. He wasn't happy with me after that. The bullcrap is even worse on facebook.
I list without an email address, and the phone # I have up is a Google Voice number - can block callers and nix the account whenever I want.

And after 300+ Craigslist deals over the last 10 years, have had only one go sour - and it was some whiny teenage prick who couldn't understand "cash only" and "get the f*ck out my driveway" for a boutique item (you know, the hipster kind that think that begging works when they run out of money). But telling him I'd call the police got rid of him quick. Took 10 minutes to find his house online based on his Twitter feed, and filed a police report. Never saw the bastard again.

Haven't had many bites as of recent, but better to have a few real bites than a million bogus ones.

Don't even get me started with Craigslist, held my Harley all last summer for a dead beat on a $200 deposit (my fault I felt bad) needless to say he never came through and I'm still stuck with it..... Also watch out, allot of scammers on CL
Steve from Staten island

They are the 2 that clicked the disagree. Apparently they don't sell anything on Craigslist.
It seems preposterous to me to shop & sell employing a website that caters to hookers & sex freaks.
Have never bought or sold via CL.
Doubt i ever will.
Auto Transport Service