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Do you dread family gatherings?

Kern Dog

Life is full of turns. Build your car to handle.
FBBO Gold Member
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Granite Bay CA
Thanksgiving. We are supposed to gather to celebrate the holiday, right?
Lucky for me, I don't have an annoying family. My parents are gone, my brothers are gone, it is just my sister and me, plus our spouses.
We do get together with extended family but as time wears on, it feels sort of hollow, as if we are just going through the motions.
Christmas used to be great when Mom and Dad were around. The loss of parents felt like the "glue" that held the family together had gone away.
There is no drama or hatred in our family but there is also not much excitement. I get along great with them but aside from 2 or 3 of them, I am bored soft at these gatherings. It is like listening to an insurance seminar.
Dad passed in 1994. Mom got remarried to a guy that was nice at first but later became increasingly annoying....A French, Jewish Liberal pacifist....Imagine spending holidays with a guy that jumped into insults against anything GOP related at any given time. Now that Mom has passed, he still attends the gatherings but at least now I am not obligated to be nice to that idiot.
I have to agree with you Kern Dog. when my Mom passed, many years ago. The holidays seemed very hollow then. She was the one that held the family together. My sister has taken over as the glue as Kern Dog has called it and is doing very well. Now that my Dad has passed, if I feel like traveling I'll go if not I stay home. But I do enjoy my family, especially my Grandchildren.
Depends on who’s coming of spring show. The second half is unwanted confrontation on stupid issues.
Count me in, can't stand family gatherings! I get along fine with everyone, just really don't like sitting around for hours on end doing nothing. Been trying to work on it for my wife's sake but it doesn't matter.... some things never change.
Not me, hate them, everyone try’s to kiss my Mom’s *** to better their inheritance.

She’s 86 strong.
Only Family nearby is Linda. I prefer to remember the ones growing up. The wonderful smell of the food etc. Great times. I remember grabbing all the turkey skin I could get and eating it. Crips and tasty. I work the Holidays now - to keep emotions in check.

We have an invite from a neighbor. If Politics come up, my 457 is making 15% and has skyrocketed since last November. Enough said.
I remember grabbing all the turkey skin I could get and eating it. Crips and tasty.
I used savor it too until I was helping my mom prepare the turkey. This was in the early seventies so maybe they have featherless turkeys. I noticed a pimple and asked what it was, it was a infected ingrown feather. I’ve never eating the skin on anything.
I'm with you Kern.
Not so much dread the gathering, but the holidays for me means it's just a bunch more work. I'm the sibling who still lives in the hometown, and everyone came "home" for the holidays!
It is certainly different since Mom passed a few years ago, Dad stays in Fla now (busy). I feel the shift now as our daughter will be doing Thanksgiving dinner, so some relief.
As far as family gatherings -
I would rather sort my sock drawer
Actually, I'd love to have family to gather with anymore.
They're mostly all gone now. One sister and brother left, that's it.
We came from large families, so this is unnatural - and quite honestly, since I've never had any offspring of my own, a little lonely this time of year.
It is what it is, I suppose.
Still love me some turkey sammiches. :)

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all. If you have family you can stand, relish in that while you can. Please.
None of my family lives anywhere near me so any "family gathering" is with the inlaw group. Not a bad group either so I tolerate it. I get out of town for xmas any more. 1st grandchild is on the way so I see all that changing...we shall see. What REALLY bothers me is how insistent my wife seems to be about including my Daughter's in laws in our planning for such things.. I wasn't the one who married into that group so why the hell should I have to consider them in MY plans???? This "upsets" me.
Kern, your a good man, it must be very hard on you with the loss of your family members. You still have a sister and she still has a brother. I hope both of you are and remain close. Try and enjoy the day with them......
None of my family lives anywhere near me so any "family gathering" is with the inlaw group. Not a bad group either so I tolerate it. I get out of town for xmas any more. 1st grandchild is on the way so I see all that changing...we shall see. What REALLY bothers me is how insistent my wife seems to be about including my Daughter's in laws in our planning for such things.. I wasn't the one who married into that group so why the hell should I have to consider them in MY plans???? This "upsets" me.
All of my family is gone w/ exception of a sister that I didn`t grow up w/, and a cousin that's a little weired and lives quite aways away. Wife has a large , loud family, (GIRLS) most all Christians and great people. Its hard to take for someone raised out in the sticks that never celebrated anything. They all get louder and louder to be heard over the other one thats talking. My wife is 2nd on the list of loud! I always take my truck so I don`t end up having to stay all day and watch cowboys football or wait on them to play dominoes . Guess- I`m blessed to be loved, and fairly healthy, and my kids are saved and healthy. And we live in America --------HAPPY THANKSGIVING .
Now EDtn, and SFSI have made me feel like a grinch. I am grateful to have family around and holiday experiences.
It's just after 30+ years of hosting every major family function, I'm tired.
I need to sell the 3000 sq ft house and downsize, but what to do with the garage.......:realcrazy:

WAIT- the best thing about Thanksgiving...
Sausage stuffing!!!
I love them. I just built a bigger house so that I can have more people over. We are a fairly close bunch when it comes to politics and religion though. Usually the talk is about hunting, fishing, cars and guns.
I miss the days gone by with my parents and brothers all being together for the holidays also.

Just remember that a lot of our parents went through the same when they were our age.

Make the best of it, contact the relatives and friends that you still have and let them know you're thinking about them.

Happy Holidays to All!
Everything changed when I went into the service. I almost immediately spent 6 years out of the country, and frankly, my siblings and parents have never been anywhere. My oldest brother lived in CA for 3 years in the Army. My widened horizons didn't go down well with my 5 siblings, no common points of reference. I was all about international stuff and world view, they were all about what had happened in the tiny home town that I left at 17. Oil and water. It became worse after combat in Iraq. My Dad died, Mom relocated back to hometown from FLA. We don't all speak at all. I got a three word text from my oldest brother on Veterans day. Only comms I have had in years. My Mothers birthday is today, I guess I'll call her. They all visit with each other but never have come here to see me. We go out to dinner at a restaurant owned by great friends of ours.
grew up in foster homes and boys farms ,then in military :thumbsup::usflag: oldest daughter lives in Texas next daughter married goes to her mother in laws oldest son home with us and my youngest son also home with us and my dog Gabby is with us all the time ,that's it peaceful and quiet :thumbsup:
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