A lil well worded 'tact' goes a long way
To the OP,
you were an ***, but
somewhat appropriately so
could have said it 'differently' maybe, a lil' more tact
but if the guy gets butthurt
for you telling "or asking politely" or telling them 'don't lean or touch my car'
he's douche & not a real car guy
if he doesn't get it...
I'm not a sit/stand behind my car, at a car show type guy
I never really got into that stuff, I did it when I'd 1st built my cars
usually before the season started, to appease sponsors etc.
I liked an activity, using my car/driving it
but at racing/mostly drag racing (did other forms of racing too)
I'd see most people take care to 'not touch stuff',
hold back chains or put hands behind their backs, pull shirts away etc.
so as to not offend & touch it/them
yep there were them 1 in 100 ********,
them usually know everything

or VIN/fender tag readers
all types out there, the ones that know better seem to be the worst
I would (or used to) let people sit in my car all the time, take photos etc.
(me & the crew would lean all over it, we knew where we could or couldn't lean)
as long as I wasn't servicing it at the time, I liked the kids' reactions...
A few people 'usually adults' that didn't know any better
would want to lean on it/against it BS-ing, not knowing
especially 'elbow on the front fenders',
(usually those types with a cigarette in their mouth)
that's a pet peeve of mine
I'd tell them
'please don't lean on'
the fiberglass/carbon fiber
fenders, hood, trunk lid, bumpers, set your damn beer on the ******* wing etc.,
it's lightweight aluminum or fiberglass/carbon fiber, race parts
followed by Usually, a short explanation,
They paid good money to come see us, I didn't need to tear their heads off
(albeit I sometimes wanted to)
that's not metal or it's fiberglass, it's not designed for it'
Especially lil' kids, loved to sit in them, most adults don't/wouldn't ever even ask
if the kid 'don't seem like overly active hyper spaz's',
I'd let them
telling them not to touch certain things (power shut off anyway)
the parents were usually polite too, & it makes that kids day...
Maybe they will be future gearheads too