I wasn't there, but...
Perhaps some diplomacy might have been in order?
I've run the gamut of responses to such situations, as they dictate at the time, I admit...
Usually, a leer or stare at the offending body part is all that is needed, but there admittedly
has been a time or two when
more was called for.
Cruise-In in our local town, cars lined down both sides of downtown.
Wife and I have wandered off to eat and upon our return to Fred the GTX, we discover not
only one miscreant perched on the front of the car (I had left the hood open for display) but
TWO of them - his buddy was actually leaning over the roof, arms all folded on top and all.
Well...that brought out the less-than-diplomatic response from me, still tempered with a
bit of humor:
I walk right up to the dude on the roof and exclaim "nice GTX man!"
He smiles and doesn't move...
I continue "Is it YOURS?!?"
Now he suspects...and stammers out "no" while starting to withdraw...
I reply, while now staring at his friend on the front end
"that's right, it's not."
They both got the hint, stammered out apologies...
When one tried to spit out an explanation, I waved him off - and we had a little chat about
respecting other peoples' property.
Sometimes a look and some diplomacy is all it takes - but other times, the density of the subject
requires a bit more.